Author name: Sam Hendricks

Hi there! I'm Sam Hendricks, and I'm a repair technician and expert. I created this website to help people like you save money and time by fixing your own appliances. Over the years, I've seen people spend a lot of money on unnecessary repairs or replacements. That's why I decided to share my expertise and create easy-to-follow guides for fixing appliances on your own.

LG Dishwasher Stops Mid Cycle

7 Reasons Why LG Dishwasher Stops Mid Cycle (Fast Fix)

LG dishwashers are great options for anyone in the market for a new appliance. They come with some great features, such as the ability to run on energy-efficient settings. But there’s obviously something wrong when your LG dishwasher stops mid cycle. If you own an LG dishwasher, you may have noticed that it sometimes stops […]

7 Reasons Why LG Dishwasher Stops Mid Cycle (Fast Fix) Read More »

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