Author name: Sam Hendricks

Hi there! I'm Sam Hendricks, and I'm a repair technician and expert. I created this website to help people like you save money and time by fixing your own appliances. Over the years, I've seen people spend a lot of money on unnecessary repairs or replacements. That's why I decided to share my expertise and create easy-to-follow guides for fixing appliances on your own.

Dryer Keeps Tripping Breaker

7 Reasons Why Your Dryer Keeps Tripping Breaker – Let’s Fix It

Your dryer keeps tripping breaker? Don’t Worry! We’ve got a list of the most common causes and what to do about it. You’ve checked your circuit breakers, checked the breaker box, and unplugged everything. The dryer just keeps tripping the circuit breaker. When this happens, it can be really frustrating. An article with advice on […]

7 Reasons Why Your Dryer Keeps Tripping Breaker – Let’s Fix It Read More »

Why is My Refrigerator Freezing Food

Why is My Refrigerator Freezing Food? [SOLVED] – Let’s Fix It

Are you facing the issue of Refrigerator freezing food, then here are some of the most common issues and their corresponding solutions. Why is your fridge freezing everything? This is one of the frequent problems that almost every fridge owner faces. And such a problem needs immediate solutions. Sam HendricksHi there! I’m Sam Hendricks, and

Why is My Refrigerator Freezing Food? [SOLVED] – Let’s Fix It Read More »

Why Does My Refrigerator Keeps Running

Why Is My Refrigerator Keeps Running And It Does Not Turn Off? Let’s Fix It

If your refrigerator keeps running and it does not turn off, You may have to pay more for electricity and reduce the lifespan of your appliance. There are many potential causes for the fridge to keep running constantly. Possible causes could be due to a few reasons. The main reasons are outlined below with what

Why Is My Refrigerator Keeps Running And It Does Not Turn Off? Let’s Fix It Read More »

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