Microwave Not Working But Has Power: The Main Causes and Solutions

Are you trying to cook something, but your microwave isn’t working? This is a common problem for many people. Microwaves are one of the most used appliances in kitchens these days, and when they stop working, it can be frustrating! You can fix it once you know what the problem is!

But don’t worry – there’s probably a simple solution. The following list outlines some common causes of microwaves not working but have power.

Microwave Not Working But Has Power – Troubleshoot and Diagnosis

Microwave Not Working But Has Power

If your microwave isn’t working, here are some solutions to fix the problem. In other words, if it’s not one thing then it could be another! It might just need a reset on the GFCI fuse or maybe there is an issue with your turntable or door switch that needs fixing before anything else can happen. Fuses will blow sometimes and when they do – well who knows? don’t worry – we’ve compiled a list of common problems below:

Blown Line Fuse

If your Microwave Not Working But Has Power, the first thing to check is a blown fuse. If you’re not sure which one, it might turn off power to the unit and test for continuity across each of them until you find it. Fuses will sometimes blow without much warning, so it’s usually best just to replace them with another like-sized.

If there is an excess of current flowing through your microwave, the line fuse will blow. To find out if this is a cause for concern and not just part of its normal operation, you can use a multimeter to check continuity. If no connection between two points on a circuit indicates no continuity in electrical flow-then something may have gone wrong with one or more parts inside your appliance.

In order to prevent future problems, I’d recommend contacting professionals who are trained specifically in microwaves rather than trying what could end up being costly repairs yourself!

Blown Thermal Fuse

The thermal fuse is a safety device that cuts off power to the microwave when it gets too hot. If you want to find out if your thermal fuse has blown, use a multimeter for testing.

There should be no continuity between two probes connected by metal wire or not touching components on the inside of the appliance while probing with one probe and the other at an outside contact point.

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Issue with the Main Control Board

The main control board manages the flow of electricity to all components inside your microwave oven. In many cases, after checking whether the microwave is working and has power, it’s possible that the problem may be a defective main control board.

To check for this particular issue you’ll need to use an electric multimeter. Suppose your test reveals any issues with connections, wiring, or other parts of the appliance. In that case, these will have to be replaced before determining if there are problems with more serious components such as boards themselves.

However, before taking out faults on anything else like connectors, etc., first, make sure everything else is okay because once they’re all sorted through, only then should you start fiddling around inside boards that involve using electrical devices designed for testing.

Power Diode Failure

In some cases, the microwave is not working but has power because of a defective power diode. If the microwave is buzzing or humming, but it isn’t heating, then there are a couple of possibilities.

The power diode’s primary responsibility in a microwave oven is to block the flow of heat and electric current depending on what direction they are going; if that doesn’t work then there won’t be enough energy flowing through for proper operation.

First and foremost is that your power diode might need to be replaced; this part passes heat in one direction while blocking flow from the other side.

If you hear a buzz coming out of your machine when nothing seems to happen inside – like flickering light bulbs do before they burn out – then this component needs replacing as soon as possible because without it functioning properly, your microwaves can’t produce enough warmth for cooking food.

Sometimes high voltage capacitors can also fail from hearing just buzzes instead of seeing hot spots inside the appliance so make sure you check those too!

Faulty Magnetron

Sometimes the magnetron (or magnet-rod), which is a tube that emits microwaves, can be faulty in some way. If your microwave has just stopped working but still has power and you’re hearing buzzing sounds coming from inside it, then there’s a chance this part might need replacing or repairing.

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Follow the below steps to test microwave magnetron with a multimeter:

  1. Set your multimeter to the frequency of 16,000 Hz
  2. Measure whether there’s a voltage present in the circuit for this frequency
  3. If not then it usually means that you have faulty magnetron and should get it replaced as soon as possible.

The magnetron is the main component of a microwave, and it’s what makes microwaves work. It must oscillate for your microwave to make anything happen; otherwise, you’ll just hear buzzing instead of heat. This part should be checked by an expert if there are any problems with its function.

Faulty Microwave Door Switch

The door switch is one of the most important parts of your microwave. If it isn’t functioning, then you won’t be able to use your microwave! If your microwave door is still not opening, then the problem could lie in this switch.

The door switch is a small, often overlooked component that actually gets the last laugh. Once you shut your microwave’s heavy metal doors for cooking purposes, it releases an electrical current to power up and heats your meal.

With other components such as wires or fuses going bad over time, too, this humble little piece can also falter at any moment despite being so easy to overlook.

So that’s why we recommend checking with a multimeter to see if yours are still operable. If the door switch fails the test, then replacing it will be necessary in order for your appliance to work properly again!

Door Latch Assembly Failure

The Latch Assembly can cause malfunctions in microwaves if not taken care of properly. The plastic or metal hooks that hold the door closed are supposed to disengage when opening/closing doors, but sometimes they get stuck due to malfunctioning springs found inside them which will prevent any sort of functioning for your microwave resulting in an issue.

It needs immediate attention before more damage occurs, such as fire hazards. So be sure to check out our quick guide below for replacing one yourself without too much hassle-you could potentially even do it over lunch break at work! Let’s start by dismantling the front panel of your microwave and replacing the Latch Assembly.

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Steps to Replace Latch Assembly:

  1. Remove screws holding the frame together with a screwdriver or ratchet set (magnetic ones are great if you have them!)
  2. Carefully open up the door, pivoting on hinges, then proceed to remove metal clips.
  3. Then, grab the metal frame and remove it from the inside.
  4. Remove any screws holding Latch Assembly, then replace the faulty one with a new one.
  5. Reattach metal frame to door via clips first, before reattaching hinges.
  6. Then screw in place what was previously removed earlier on this step for a secure fit!

What Causes A Microwave To Suddenly Stop Working

If your microwave is not working at all and there is no sign of power, the most likely solution seems to be an issue with the door switch. A faulty door switch — which is also often called an interlock switch — is that part that lets you know when you close the door, the microwave will activate, as well as turning off when you open the door.

If you want to access the microwave door switch, you will need to dismantle the cabinet. The first step is to unplug the microwave — and then, use a multi tool to check for continuity between the door’s hinge and the microwave’s control board. If there is no continuity, you will have to replace the door’s hinge and then reconnect everything.

Final Thoughts

You have several options if you can’t fix the problem yourself. If there is complex wiring, electrical work, or other possible dangers and moving pieces that you don’t know how to handle with your hands-on knowledge of repairing things it might be best to call a repair tech as well.

Remember, you’re not alone in this. If you find this post helpful, please share and comment below.

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