6 Reasons Why Window AC Won’t Turn ON – Let’s Fix It

The problem of Window AC not turning on is not a rare one. It may look simple, but it can be irritating when you need it and it doesn’t work. But don’t worry, this article will shed some light on the issue and teach you how to troubleshoot and fix the problem.

AC units are generally used to get fresh air into the house. It can be an issue as it is not working as it should. This may happen as there could be many reasons for the same. Here we will be talking about some of the common causes with their repair solutions. This will help you in getting your AC unit back to working condition.

There are several reasons why your window AC unit won’t turn on. First, check to make sure that the unit is properly plugged into the wall outlet. Next, check the circuit breaker to ensure that it has not been tripped. Finally, check the thermostat to make sure that it is set to the correct temperature.

A window air conditioner is a perfect way to save money on cooling your home. In fact, once you’re done with the installation, it can last for years — saving you hundreds of dollars that you would otherwise spend on electricity. There’s just one downside: when something goes wrong with the machine or a power outage strikes, your window AC simply won’t turn back on.

Window AC Won’t Turn ON – Troubleshoot And Diagnosis

Depending on the circumstance, your window air conditioning may go out for a variety of reasons. However, when it does, don’t worry — there are tons of easy ways to get your system up and running again quickly.

Window AC Won't Turn ON

1. Power Issues

If your air conditioner suddenly stops working, be sure to check the power cord and plug itself before anything else. Pests like rats and mice love chewing on this type of accessory — which not only can cause damage to the machine, but can also emergency situations such as fires if left unchecked!

You know how if your car doesn’t start you should check for a dead battery before you spend the first 20 minutes scratching your head or asking for help? That’s the same thing here. If your window AC unit won’t turn on, make sure it has a steady flow of power from either an extension cord or outlet and that the plug is fully inserted.

A lot of things can happen to your window AC unit when you live with someone else — something as simple as an accidental slip can result in a power outage. If you’ve plugged it in and it’s not powering up, check the end of the plug. It should be rounded or slightly triangular, but if one of its prongs has been bent outwards or flat against the housing, you’ll need to take it into an electrician.

If you live with other people, the chances of a guest or family member tripping over your appliance and unplugging it are pretty high. You may also have an occasional forgetful moment where you’ve accidentally unplugged it by knocking into the cord.

Make sure to look at the end of the cord where it connects to your device — consider replacing plugs that are loose, damaged, or bent.

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When the power suddenly cuts out, it’s natural to assume something is wrong with your circuit breaker. The problem could be as simple as an overloaded breaker or tripped GFCI (ground fault circuit interrupter) outlet — and the solution might be just as simple.

The trick to determining whether your circuit breaker is the culprit is easy: turn on every switch in your house to make sure a specific breaker has gone down. If one does trip, flip it back on and then flip all other switches on and off again and see if the same switch trips again. If you have checked every circuit within your house and have still not found the problem, it’s time contact an expert.

2. Do A Reset

If your window air conditioner won’t turn on, the usual fix is a quick reset. If your unit was turned on and off quickly or if there was a power failure, it may need to be reset.

In this case, there is usually a button on the air conditioner’s control panel or an option in the settings of an automated thermostat that allows you to restart the system without having to turn off the power and wait for a sufficient amount of time.

To reset your air conditioner, you must unplug the device for three minutes.

Plugging in an AC machine without turning it on could ruin the power supply, so it’s best to double-check that the machine is set to “ON” and has been switched from “Hold” or other modes. If you are not sure what setting your unit is on, check its user manual for instructions — some AC machines will have a reset button built into the cord’s plug.

3. Broken Cord

Plugs and sockets in your home as well as the AC power cords are exposed to wear and tear. It is a good idea to inspect all of the cords regularly, especially those that might be new.

If your AC is setup for seasonal use, just make sure that the cord is properly stored and kept out of harm’s way. Make sure that all of the connections are secure and not frayed, and check to see if an inline circuit breaker or fuse on the cord looks burnt out or damaged.

When it comes to repairing, there are a few things you can do — and some that you shouldn’t. First, always check the outlet to make sure it is functional. Power outages and other incidents can sometimes cause damage that is hidden; window ACs for example might kick the mini breaker in your cord.

If the cord seems undamaged and there are no signs of a blown fuse or any visible signs of distress around the plug (i.e. melted plastic or blackened outlets), then call an electrician! Otherwise, you can simply plug something else into the electrical outlet to make sure it works properly — be sure to unplug your device first if it’s plugged in, though!

4. Check Circuit Breaker And Fuses

If you’ve been feeling hot and sweaty at home, or if you’re still running into power issues in your circuit breakers, it’s time to solve the problem once and for all. You can replace a faulty fuse by using the correct wattage fuse — which is important to know when purchasing fuses of higher wattages than those that come with your box of incandescents.

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What looks like a problem with your outlet might actually be something completely different! You must first rule out whether a fuse or circuit breaker is tripped before you start replacing the outlet. If the breaker is flipped in the opposite direction and not allowing electricity to travel through that specific outlet, then simply flip it back on and your machine should start working again.

If the electronic controls on your window-mounted air conditioning unit have failed, you’ll need to inspect a few parts to get at the circuit board. Before you do that, check the manual or find out the model number for your system and consult an online guide.

Unplug the window air conditioner and look for the fuse, which is usually located somewhere around or near the power cord. Replace it (with one of the same amperage) if it’s blown, reattach the power cord to the unit and plug it in. If you’re lucky, your unit should start working. If not, then you know where to find the fuse next time a problem arises.

5. Dirty Fins and Coils

All the moving parts of your air conditioner depend on one another. If one is not working, then it will affect the others, causing it to slow down or stop working altogether. That’s why keeping your AC well-maintained and cleaned on a regular basis is so important. Look for vents with dirt buildup or badly twisted fins. Untangle them carefully to avoid damaging the coil and don’t let lint build up inside the unit.

To keep your AC in the summer months cool and working, clean its coils. The coils are narrow and tend to trap dust and debris, so cleaning these components can be the difference between a loud unit and a quiet one. If your cooling fins or filters are dirty, the insufficient airflow can cause the AC unit to not turn on.

A dirty coil in air conditioning units can lead to multiple failures, including high head pressure, which overworks the compressor; your monthly electric bill goes up.

Changing the air filter is also important for prolonging time between coil cleanings — thanks to less dirty air making it through your windows.

6. Refrigerant Leakage

Your window air conditioner’s refrigerant isn’t meant to be in a closed system; it’s meant to be released into the atmosphere when your AC cycles. When this happens, refrigerants like freon can harm the environment.

Signs of leaking or low refrigerant are water leaks on the pan beneath the air conditioner, ice buildup on the AC coils, and your unit not starting properly.

One sign of leaking or low refrigerant is ice on the air conditioner coils.

If you’ve got a refrigerant leak, don’t try to figure it out yourself. It’s dangerous, and could cost your business thousands in repairs when a professional — who knows what they’re doing — could figure it out in a fraction of the time and money. You can save time and money by choosing Service Experts AC for all your air conditioning needs.

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Window AC Has Power But Won’t Turn ON

If your window AC has power but won’t turn on, try resetting the AC by unplugging it, waiting 10 seconds, then plugging it back in.

First, try checking your circuit breakers. Most window air conditioner units require a dedicated circuit (120-volt, 15-amp) and you’ll find the circuit breakers in the main electrical panel. Often, there will be a “double-pole” breaker, meaning that there are two circuits in a single breaker.

Next, make sure that the power cord is properly plugged into the plug. If you can, check the wire for corrosion. If the cord is damaged, you will need to replace it.

If the power cord is plugged in and the circuit breaker is not tripped, the next thing to check is the unit’s switch. Be sure the switch is in the “On” position.

If the switch is turned on, check the air filter for dirt and debris. A clean air filter ensures proper airflow and prevents damage to the unit.

Check the air inlet grille and the exhaust grille to make sure that they are not blocked by dirt, debris or furniture. If necessary, clean the grilles with a vacuum cleaner and rinse with water.

If the thermostat control is set below room temperature, the air conditioner will cycle on and off frequently. If this is occurring, adjust the thermostat control so that it is set a few degrees warmer than room temperature.

Also, check your energy conservation settings. If you haven’t done so recently, this would be a good time to review the instructions for your thermostat. Your equipment manufacturer will recommend settings for your home and your utility company can advise you on the latest rules on conserving energy.

Finally, if all else fails, call an air conditioning contractor.

Final Thoughts

If you’re having heating and air conditioning issues, you may think it’s only an issue with your machine. However, sometimes these issues are due to a larger problem: like airflow through the ducts or a lack of insulation in your home. These might require outside help to solve or parts that your HVAC provider can get you.

When major appliances in our homes are out of commission, we don’t have a choice but to call repairmen. Sometimes the repairs are simple and cheap, sometimes not. But if you notice important system malfunctions like constant clogs or broken parts that seem beyond repair, you might spend a little bit on an expert’s advice before deciding whether to fix it yourself or just throw it away and buy a new one.

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