Bosch Ice Maker Light Blinking Green – Meaning And Solution

When you see a green light on your Bosch ice maker, don’t stop there. That little electric eye only detects when the freezer inside the machine is plugged into an outlet and operating below 27 degrees Fahrenheit. The light also indicates if there are issues with transporting moisture as well. Read in this blog how to know exactly what that green light means on your Bosch ice maker.

Bosch Ice Maker Light Blinking Green – What It Means

Bosch Ice Maker Light Blinking Green

The green light on your Bosch icemaker indicates that the ice maker is in the process of making ice. The light will stay on until the ice maker has finished its cycle and is ready to dispense ice.

What do you need to do if the light is blinking?

If the green light on your Bosch icemaker is blinking, it means that the water reservoir is empty and needs to be refilled. To do this, simply remove the icebin from the freezer compartment and lift up the lid of the water reservoir. Fill the reservoir with fresh water until the float rises to the top, then replace the lid and icebin. The ice maker will automatically begin making ice once it has been properly refilled.

What should be happening if the green light is on?

If the green light on your Bosch ice maker is on, it means that the water supply to the icemaker is turned on and that the icemaker is working properly.


So, what does the green light on your Bosch icemaker mean? In short, it means that the icemaker is functioning properly and that there is water available for it to use.

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If the green light is not lit, then there may be a problem with the icemaker or with the water supply. However, if the green light is lit, then everything is working as it should be and you can enjoy frosty drinks without worry.

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