7 Reasons Why GE Dishwasher Not Draining – Let’s Fix It

GE dishwasher not draining? GE dishwasher taking too long to drain? GE dishwasher coming on, but no water is coming out? GE Dishwashers are known for their efficiency and durability, which is why it can be a shock when your GE dishwasher stops working properly.

There could be many reasons why your GE Dishwasher isn’t draining properly: clogs, low water pressure, faulty solenoid valves, etc. This blog post will go through some of these common problems in detail and offer solutions that might help you get back up and running again.

A dishwasher is one of the most important appliances in every home. It’s usually the first thing you see when you walk into someone’s kitchen, and it can make or break your opinion on how clean a household is. With that being said, I will share with you what steps need to be taken to fix a GE dishwasher that won’t drain water!

What Causes GE Dishwasher Not Draining? Troubleshoot and Diagnosis

GE Dishwasher Not Draining

If you are experiencing a problem with your GE dishwasher not draining, there may be an easy fix! Follow this guide to diagnose the issue and get back on track.

Check Drain Hose

The GE dishwasher won’t drain water if the hose is clogged, so you will need to check it. If there’s a lot of food debris in the GE Dishwasher Drain Hose, use hot, soapy water and gently push down on the hose until all food particles have been removed.

If this does not work for your GE Dishwasher, try using vinegar or baking soda with boiling water, as they can help break up these hard-to-clean chunks!

You’ll also want to make sure that the hose is not kinked up or with holes in it. When you attach it, double-check your drain valve seal for any leaks and tighten everything back down if needed before turning on the water.

Clogged Drain Filter

If GE Dishwasher not draining water, it could be caused by a clogged GE Dishwasher drain filter. The GE dishwasher’s drainage system relies on the GE dishwasher’s GE Drain Filter to trap food particles and other debris before they reach the GE dishwasher’s pump area. 

A thin layer of protective coating over this filter can become clogged if there are too many particles in the flow while washing dishes or cleaning up after cooking.

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For best results: clean your GE Drain Filter every time you use your dishwasher (and at least once per month) with hot soapy water and rinse thoroughly; do not put any oily substances down drains as these will coat surfaces inside pipes, preventing them from flowing freely.

Check the Garbage Disposal

If your dishwasher is hooked up to the garbage disposal (instead of being connected to a drain line), you may not have removed the plug that is in it. This will prevent water from draining out of it. Dishwashers that are not connected to garbage disposal need the drain plug left in place.

If you have a dishwasher connected to your garbage disposal, then you need to:

  1. Don’t forget to remove the drain plug.
  2. Disconnect the drains hose from garbage disposal and clean both ends to ensure proper drainage.
  3. If the dishwasher doesn’t drain, you may need to reattach the drain hose. Turn your dishwasher on and see if this solves the problem.

Check Drain Pump

If you notice that your GE dishwasher is not draining, a faulty drain pump may be the problem. The drain pump uses an impeller to force water through the hose and out of the dishwasher. If this part malfunctions, it can cause issues with drainage.

To determine the cause of a dishwasher that is not draining, you will need to examine the drain pump with an ohmmeter. If no reading can be obtained, or if it seems like power is present, but the pump doesn’t run correctly, then replace the part.

The drain impeller is designed to push water through the machine and into the garbage disposal or drain. If it’s broken, replace it.

Readers often ask if the unit has a drain pump and how it can be repaired. To locate the dishwasher’s drain pump, open up access to its area, and replace it with an exact replacement part.

Clean the Air Gap

Air Gap, the small cylinder on your kitchen sink’s back edge, is designed to prevent water from siphoning up and out of it. If you notice that when running a dishwasher, there will be times where water shoots out all over the counter or sometimes even just one time while washing dishes, then this means that something must have been blocking Air Gap before, like food particles, for instance.

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GE dishwashers have an air gap at the bottom of the unit that prevents water from running out into your kitchen. If it is clogged, the water will not drain out of your dishwasher, and you may experience a complete overflow situation. To fix it: 

  1. remove and clean inside the air gap.
  2. disconnect the entire hose.
  3. make sure hoses are free of blockage.


A defective timer might be the thing that is blocking your dishwasher from draining. Make sure that you test for a faulty timer, replacing it if necessary. If just replacing the timer doesn’t help, consider purchasing a new assembly as well.

Using the Wrong Type of Detergent

Some GE dishwashers might not be able to handle certain types of detergent. In order to avoid draining problems, use the right type for your GE unit and make sure that you’re using a proper amount.

Dishwashing soap is designed for dishes, but other soaps may be more sudsy for your sink. If you accidentally put the wrong dish soap in the dishwasher, turn it off and wipe down the inside to remove the suds. After opening the door, clean out the soapy tray with a sponge. Next, run your empty machine for 30 minutes on the hot water while adding just physical detergent without any soap products. In this way, you can prevent the GE Dishwasher Not Draining Problem.

Stuck Check Valve

You probably never think about the check valve that is in your dishwasher, but it could be causing the problem of the GE dishwasher not draining. If you suspect that the drain hose has a restriction or if wastewater is getting back into the tub, then this piece of equipment might need to be replaced.

Some dishwasher models will use a check valve in their drain outlet so that water can flow outwards while dirty water cannot get inside and ruin more dishes from being cleaned. The problem arises when there’s an obstruction on either end of one side (the pump) or both ends (drain tube). That means no liquid can freely move through and create suction for circulation as well as detergent action – which are necessary components for cleaning all those plates!

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Visually inspect the flapper, looking for signs of wear or damage. You should also look to see if there is anything blocking movement and remove it.

If the valve isn’t opening and finds no objects blocking it from doing so, you’ll need a new check valve flapper to solve the problem.

GE dishwashers are designed to be reliable, but occasionally they might need some troubleshooting. We’ve collected a list of the most common reasons why your GE dishwasher isn’t draining and what you can do about it. If this post didn’t cover your problem or if you have any other questions, please feel free to leave us a comment below.

GE Dishwasher Not Draining At End Of Cycle

There are many reasons why your GE dishwasher may not be draining properly at the end of the cycle. Here are a few of the most common reasons:

The dishwasher may be installed on an incline.

The drain hose may be kinked or clogged.

The air gap may be blocked.

The garbage disposal may be jammed or clogged.

The drain pump may be defective.

If your dishwasher is not draining properly, it is important to troubleshoot the problem as soon as possible. Otherwise, water can accumulate in the bottom of the dishwasher and cause damage to the unit.

How To Get A GE Dishwasher To Drain

There are a few things that you can do to get your GE dishwasher to drain. One thing that you can do is to make sure that the dishwasher is turned on and that the water supply is turned on.

Another thing that you can do is to check the drain hose to see if it is kinked or blocked. If the hose is kinked, you can try to straighten it out. If the hose is blocked, you can try to use a plunger to unblock it.

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