Why is My GE Dryer Not Heating Up? Let’s Fix It

GE dryers are known for being reliable and efficient, but there may come a time when your GE dryer stops working and you face the problem of GE Dryer Not Heating. If this happens, you will need to know how to troubleshoot the problem. This article provides some DIY fixes that can help get your GE dryer heating again! 

Do you ever find your clothes still wet after washing them and putting them in the dryer? This can happen with any type of electric or gas-powered dryers.

Some people believe using too much detergent might be one reason why an item feels damp when it should be fully dried – because there’s been excess soap residue left on fabrics that may not dissolve during the drying process!

Anyways, This article will show you why GE Dryers may not heat up properly.

How To Fix GE Dryer Not Heating Problem

There are several reasons for the lack of proper heating on your GE Dryer, including problems with wiring, circuit boards, or faulty wiring. This article discusses each problem and how to identify them in order to best fix your dryer.

GE Dryer Not Heating

Tip: Always keep a watchful eye on these outside factors that can hinder normal drying cycles.

Clogged Vents and Lint Filter

If your GE dryer is not heating, the first thing to check is the lint filter and vent.

If the vent is blocked, your dryer may still produce heat, yet it will take a significant amount of time to dry clothes. A clogged vent can prevent the necessary airflow to create heat. This is one reason why you may find your clothes are still wet after washing and putting them in the dryer! Check that vents are clean and unblocked before continuing troubleshooting. 

If you notice an increase in temperature when cleaning but no changes in laundry being cleaned or how quickly they’re getting done, it’s possible that there is a blockage of your air vents.

You can use a vacuum cleaner or broom handle with an attachment that will fit in the opening of the lint screen housing. Remove any blockage you find inside this hole so air can flow freely through it. The other place to look for clogs is at the back of your GE Dryer on top of where you plug it into an outlet behind a metal cover plate (it’s important not to remove this plate!). Vacuum out any debris from here as well.

Next, clean off all surfaces by unplugging your GE appliance and wiping them down, including vents located above each drum below its control panel, which often accumulate lint and dust over time.

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The GE Dryer could be overloaded if it takes too long to dry clothes and the drum makes a lot of noise when running, or you are not getting any heat.

The maximum load capacity for these GE Dryer is about 11-20 pounds per cubic foot (this measurement includes both clothing and water). Please check the specification of your dryer to get the exact capacity. It’s possible that there isn’t enough space inside your GE Dryer for all of your wet laundries because some items have fallen into one another while they were spinning in the tumbler.

Inspecting how full your dryer is by looking at its interior may help determine this problem: empty spaces will appear as light areas on the bottom layer where darker colors indicate moisture. If you find any large gaps between loads, move around smaller ones so that you can maximize space inside your GE Dryer.

Blown Thermal Fuse

When it comes to your dryer, the thermal fuse is one of its most important safety features. The heat source in gas models can cause a fire if not maintained correctly, and for electric or heating element models, overheating could lead to electrical feedback, which will fry components beyond repair. The thermal fuse is a safety device designed to protect the dryer from overheating.

Blown fuses are a sign that your dryer needs to be cleaned, and the vents need some fresh air. In worst-case scenarios, this can lead to mold or fire risk!

A blown thermal fuse will stop the GE Dryer from heating. Use a multimeter to check for continuity on your GE’s thermal fuse by touching one probe tip to each terminal of the plug that connects it to the dryer. If there is no continuity, replace both wires in this section with new ones and reconnect them, as well as reattach any screws or brackets you may have removed during installation.

GE Electric Dryer Not Heating

A GE electric dryer that is not heating could be due to a variety of problems. A number of these are easy fixes, while others require professional assistance. Here’s a list that will mention some common causes and solutions you should try:

Burnt Heating Element

A GE electric dryer that is not heating may be due to a burnt heating element. This can happen when the GE Dryer has been overloaded with too many clothes or towels and left for an extended period of time without turning it off.

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The heating element is what heats the air before it enters the dryer drum. Over time, this can cause a problem when it’s burnt out and stops working altogether.

To determine if your heating element has burned out, you will need to test for continuity with a multimeter by measuring between two points on the wire or coil inside of it. One point should be at each end of where it connects to the electric current (one part being connected near either side). If there’s no continuous flow and instead of an open circuit, then that means something must have gone wrong, which might mean replacing said component as soon as possible!

Faulty Cycling Thermostat

A cycling thermostat is what regulates the temperature of your dryer when it’s running and will turn off or on, depending on how hot or cold it gets. Running a faulty one can cause problems such as low heat while others might not work at all due to overheating, which could lead to an electrical fire!

To check this component, unplug your GE Dryer for safety reasons and test continuity between two points in the coil with a multimeter by measuring their resistance. One point should be near either end of where it connects electrically (one-part connected near either side).

If there is no continuous flow, something must have broken internally and would need to be repaired or replaced.

GE Gas Dryer Not Heating

Do you have an electric or gas GE dryer, and it isn’t heating? This is a common problem with GE dryers that can be fixed by checking the Igniter, flame sensor, and gas valves.

Faulty Igniter

In order to ignite the gas, a dryer needs an igniter. If it’s not working, then your clothes will never get warm enough in time for you to have fresh and clean clothes when they’re needed!

To test if the problem is with your igniter or elsewhere, disconnect the igniter, make sure to check for continuity. If the igniter does not have continuity, replace it with a new one.

Faulty Flame Sensor

The flame sensor is responsible for detecting the presence of gas in order to adjust the heat and ignition accordingly. If it’s not working, then your clothes will never get warm enough either!

To test if the problem is with your flame sensor or elsewhere, disconnect the flame sensor, make sure to check for continuity at room temperature. If the flame sensor does not have continuity, replace it with a new one.

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Gas Valve is Not Working

The solenoid valve is responsible for turning the gas on and off to maintain a constant flame. If it’s not working, then your clothes will never get warm enough either!

The igniter is the key to diagnosing faulty gas valves. If it glows and extinguishes without ever putting out a flame, you should replace all of its coils with new ones before they become defective as well!

GE Front Load Gas Dryer Not Heating Up

A gas dryer that isn’t heating up may not be receiving enough gas. First, check your gas shut-off valve to make sure it’s fully open. Next, check the dryer’s venting system (the hose coming out of the back of the dryer) to make sure it isn’t blocked by lint or anything else. If those things check out, you might need to replace your gas valve, igniter, or other components.

When something goes wrong with your dryer, you have to have a good understanding of how your dryer works and what’s most likely to go wrong in order to identify the problem quickly. When a dryer stops heating, there are four possible causes — the thermal fuse, the gas valve solenoid, the ignition system and the venting system — and all four should be checked for any kind of issues before calling a repairman.


GE dryers are known for their long-lasting performance, but when one stops heating, it can be a frustrating experience. Thankfully there is help available if you need assistance troubleshooting your appliance and determining the problem with its operation.

I hope these tips have been helpful in getting to the bottom of what could be causing this issue so that you can get back to dry clothes as soon as possible! If not, please comment below, and we will try our best to find an answer for you. In any case, take care of yourself first by taking some time off from using your dryer until you know how to fix it or replace it!

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