5 Reasons Why Maytag Ice Maker Not Working – Let’s Fix It

The average American uses 50 pounds of ice per year. Considering how ice is used in the kitchen, in drinks, and even for special occasions like parties and weddings, it’s no surprise that many homeowners choose to add an extra icemaker to their home appliance collection. But while these helpful additions to your kitchen may seem like a godsend when you need them most, they can still leave much to be desired — especially when Maytag Ice Maker not working properly.

Most icemakers will dump ice once every two hours. However, the ideal production for an icemaker is closer to one dump per hour. An icemaker that dumps ice every hour has decent production, while one that operates at two-hour intervals has slightly weaker performance. On average, an icemaker should produce up to 175 ice cubes per day.

If you’ve just switched on your Maytag refrigerator for the first time, it may take anywhere from 24 to 48 hours for ice to start forming in the ice compartment. Every fridge is different, though, so it could take longer.

Why Maytag Ice Maker Not Working – Troubleshoot and Diagnosis

Maytag ice makers offer an easy and convenient way to serve ice at home. When troubleshooting, first check the water supply; it is important that new kitchens have their water pressure tested before starting use. If you’re experiencing issues with your Maytag ice maker, the cause may be a clogged or damaged water filter, faulty wiring, or a lack of water supply pressure.

This article explains how to fix your Maytag ice maker if it is not making ice, flashing error codes, or making a lot of noise. Several people have been able to get their Maytag ice maker fixed thanks to these Maytag ice maker repair guides.

Maytag Ice Maker Not Working

1. Freezer Temperature is too High

Your ice maker is not working the way it should be. The temperature in your freezer is too high, and you should make sure your condenser coils are clear and the fan is working. If you need to keep your food and drinks cool and fresh for longer, ensure that the temperature in your freezer is set between 0 and 5 degrees Fahrenheit (-18 to -15C). Following this advice will give you optimal performance from your machine.

If the freezer temperature is too high, check these 3 basic components:

  1. Make sure that there isn’t any debris blocking the condenser coils.
  2. Ensure that the condenser fan is working properly.
  3. Check to make sure that your refrigerator thermostat is set to a colder temperature and that it’s placed correctly in the compartment.

2. Ice maker is Not Turned ON

Even though the Maytag fridge has a built-in ice maker, not every model is set up the same way. The best resource for figuring out how to turn on your refrigerator’s ice maker is your owner’s manual — each model has an online version that provides troubleshooting solutions and instructions for any issues you run into.

The Maytag ice maker turns on and off differently for each model — it is not always as simple as flipping a switch. The best way to find out how to turn the ice maker on and off is to look at the user’s manual and contact an online support agent with questions.

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3. Control Arm Issue

If you see ice in your ice molds, it’s likely that the issue isn’t with your water supply. Instead, it’s most likely due to a mechanical or electrical malfunction with your refrigerator.

In fact, if your ice maker has been producing flimsy, powdery ice or just stopped producing ice altogether, it’s probably a mechanical or electrical problem — not a water supply problem — that needs to be addressed.

It is possible to bump the machine in such a way that it turns off, which halts the ice-production process. When this happens, it’s easy to turn the machine back on by simply moving the metal control arm back to the down or ON position with your finger  — no heavy lifting required.

If your ice maker is making ice but not dispensing water into the bin, the issue is most likely due to a faulty electrical connection or motor. The control arm can also be broken or stuck in place, which prevents the machine from working.

Make sure your refrigerator is disconnected from power before you start to make any repairs. You can do this at the circuit breaker or fuse box, or with a multi-meter, check for a 120V cycle when the refrigerator plug is plugged into a working outlet. Also, make sure water supply is off and the hose is disconnected.

Flip the quick-release plug on the back of the fridge out of its seat to disconnect it from water supply. Re-attach this plug, then run the water supply line through the new hose to test for leaks.

When the ice maker molds are not completely full, water will pool in them while they’re running. To fix this, manually add some water to the mold. This will cause the remaining ice cubes to begin melting and should make it easier for you to clear them out. Then, you’ll want to lift up on the arm that controls the ice maker. Wait for 10 seconds for the fill valve to activate again, then lower the arm back down.

The ice-cube tray will take 3-4 hours to freeze, so place the tray in the freezer and wait patiently. If you hear a grinding noise or see gears turning or parts shaking, it’s likely that your motor is broken and will need to be replaced. Otherwise, after 3-4 hours, check if your tray ejects ice — if not, then there may be an issue with the gearbox and it will need to be replaced instead.

4. Clogged/Frozen Water Line

Whether you’re dealing with an ice maker that’s producing half-sized cubes, or one that’s not making ice at all, it typically indicates a blockage in the water supply line. A common cause for this is frozen water or ice in the plumbing.

Sometimes a refrigerator’s water line freezes. Open the water valve under the sink, or behind the refrigerator if possible, to drain the line. Unplug the refrigerator and move it away from where it was. You may need to use a different outlet, but if you do plug it in, your food will start to thaw and you’ll have to repeat the process with a refrigerator full of thawed food. Repeat step one to drain any remaining water from the line.

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If you suspect the line is frozen, check the shut-off valve under the sink or behind the refrigerator, turning it to “off.” You can also use a turkey baster to pour warm water over the line.

To fix the clog, you can use a hair dryer or let your refrigerator sit unplugged for two hours. Then power it back on and try to fill the ice mold. If that doesn’t work, you should ask a professional for help.

5. Faulty Water Inlet Valve

The water inlet valve is essential to making ice. If it’s not working, there’s no ice to make. It’s easy to determine if the water inlet valve is defective or if the pressure is insufficient — it simply won’t allow water to flow through. If there’s no water, there’s no ice, which means you won’t get the satisfaction of an iced beverage.

Some people have been having problems with the valve, so here’s a solution:

Step 1: Make sure your water pressure is between 20 and 120 psi . If it’s lower than that, you’ll need to contact a plumber. You can buy a water pressure gauge at hardware stores or home centers for less than $10.

Step 2: Check the ice maker’s electrical connections. They should be clean and tight.

6. Defective Door Switch

Many issues can arise when an ice and water dispenser doesn’t work — but fortunately, the solution is easy to identify! The door switch is a mechanical sensor made up of two components: an arm and a lever. If the ice and water dispenser isn’t working, check that the door is closed all the way. It should be securely in place, with no gaps along the sides.

The door switch is used to keep the ice and water dispenser off when the door is open. The door switch powers on and off simultaneously with the refrigerator. If the door switch is not working correctly, it will prevent the refrigerator from working correctly.

In order to test this, use a multimeter to test for electrical continuity on the switch when it’s activated. If there’s no continuity, replace it with a new one.

7. Clogged Water Filter

Filters in your refrigerator or freezer can be dirty and clogged out of the box, preventing water from flowing through for ice production. This will stop the ice maker from producing ice. If this is the issue, don’t worry — most models of Maytag fridges and freezers come with a filter that can be cleaned and replaced.

To fix this issue, remove the filter, and wait 24 hours to see if the ice maker starts making ice again.

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Maytag always recommends only using the Maytag water filter to ensure your ice maker has the best pressure. Using any other brand can reduce water pressure, which may lead to improper cleaning.

8. Icemaker Mold Thermostat Not Working

The icemaker mold thermostat monitors the temperature of the ice mold (ice tray). Once the mold reaches the proper temperature, the icemaker ejects the ice cubes and refills the ice mold with water. If the mold thermostat is defective, the ice maker will stop making ice.

With a defective ice mold thermostat, an icemaker will stop making ice or won’t eject the ice cubes from the mold.

The first step is to check that the thermostat has continuity. If it doesn’t, then it’s time to replace the thermostat. If your thermostat checks out correctly, then there are two possible problems with your mold thermostat:

  1. It may have malfunctioned, or
  2. Your wiring might have an issue.

The thermostat that controls the ice maker has opened (the contacts are open). If the thermostat is open, it means that your ice maker is not getting cold enough. The thermostat must generally be below 20 degrees Fahrenheit for the contacts to close and allow your ice maker to begin making ice.

9. Faulty Ice Maker Module

It’s the tiny details of the icemaker module that make all of the difference. Water is ejected from its tray and dropped into an ice bucket with a sensor, thermostat, and motor. Once the water reaches 15 degrees Fahrenheit, the motor kicks on and cycles the ejector arms or turns a tray to release more cubes into your ice bucket.

In order to do so, it uses a mechanical system in which a motor cycles the arms of the ejector or turns a different tray in order to throw the cubes into the bucket.

If you’re having issues with your ice machine, the first step is to make sure all of the moving parts are in good working order. You should also check the settings to ensure that the ice machine is cutting enough ice. Dirty ice can also be to blame for issues with your machine cutting enough cubes, so be sure that everything is clean and sanitized before cutting more cubes.

Make sure the icemaker is turned on and the bail arm is down. If it appears that some ice cubes are stuck in the ejector blades, locate the test points in the icemaker module and use a multimeter to test voltage and resistance values.

If you’re having trouble with your machine, there are usually test points that a technician can use to diagnose the problem more effectively.

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