7 Reasons Why Whirlpool Dishwasher Won’t Start – Let’s Fix It

If you have a Whirlpool Dishwasher won’t start problem, there are many possible reasons for the issue. For example, the dishwasher might not be plugged in, it’s clogged with food particles, or there is an electrical shortage. In this blog post, we will discuss how to determine the root cause of the problem and what steps to take next.

Whirlpool dishwashers are a staple in many households, but what happens when your Whirlpool dishwasher not starting? If this is the case, don’t worry. Read on for some helpful tips to get your machine running and back up to speed again!

Why Whirlpool Dishwasher Won’t Start? Troubleshoot and Diagnosis

Whirlpool Dishwasher Won't Start

Wondering why your Whirlpool dishwasher isn’t working? Here are a few things to check first.

Electrical Issues

If your dishwasher is plugged in but still doesn’t work, try unplugging it and plugging it back in again. This will reset any possible electrical shortages resulting from a surge or outage. If the issue persists, check for loose wires behind the unit where they attach to the circuit board and plugs at both ends of the power cord that may have come undone.

You may also need to check the thermal fuse. The thermal fuse shuts off power to the dishwasher if it overheats. Inspect the fuse and replace it if necessary.

Many Whirlpool dishwashers will not start due to a loose wire. To fix, do the following:

Inspect your dishwasher’s connections and lugs for a loose connection or terminal. Wiggle it around and see if it starts before you tighten. Inspect your circuit breaker to ensure that the power is on.

Find your circuit breakers fuse box outside of your electric range by flipping all switches) until you find one with blown fuses. Replace as needed Go back into the appliance and adjust any settings as necessary.

If there’s no physical damage to the unit or visible signs of corrosion on any wires touching water under the sink, then you’ll want to reach out to a professional for assistance.

Check Water Supply

The water supply valves to the dishwasher and hose are often responsible for your Whirlpool appliance not starting. Simply turn on the valve, assess any kinks in the hoses, and replace any that have cracks or leaks!

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If the supply valve and hose are working as they should, a Whirlpool dishwasher not starting may be due to a defective water inlet valve. This important valve opens and closes to allow water to enter your appliance at precisely the right points during each wash cycle. We suggest that you call for professional assistance because this type of problem is very tricky for people who are not experienced with appliances like dishwashers.

Child Lock is ON

Another common Whirlpool dishwasher won’t start problem is a “Child Lock” that has inadvertently been activated. If your washer locks at the beginning of each cycle, then you may need to disengage this lock so it can continue normal operation and wash cycles.

“Child Lock” refers to a safety feature in appliances such as dishwashers, ovens, microwaves, etc. It prevents operation if small children present in the home might be near these appliances when they start up again after being turned off manually.

We recommend not bypassing the child safety device because doing so will leave your home prone to accidents from small children who are in or around the appliance when it starts up again!

Door is Not Closed

You may find that your dishwasher is not running because the door has been left open or it’s not closed properly. Whirlpool recommends checking to make sure the door latches on both sides and that all of the electronics are seated correctly before proceeding with any other steps.

Be sure that no items are preventing the dishwasher from fully closing.

Remove any items that are blocking the door from closing. If you close the door and it pops back open, then there is an issue with either the latch or seal.

If the dishwasher door doesn’t latch properly, there are several problems that could be causing this.

  1. The door latch is broken and needs to be replaced
  2. There is a fault in the door switch which prevents the dishwasher from running
  3. If none of these apply to your situation, then another component might be faulty.

Touchpad Issue

First, try looking at the dishwasher’s display to see if it is ON. If you don’t know how to tell that, just check for any letters or numbers being displayed in a row and not flashing like normal text does when too bright of light hits it.

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Next, press some buttons; if some work but others do not, your touchpad might be faulty! Some manufacturers sell them individually, while other manufacturers will require them to be purchased as an inseparable pair with control panel parts. So make sure before buying one because replacing only these components requires special tools which may come included with purchase!

Incorrect Dishwasher Cycle Settings

If your whirlpool dishwasher won’t start, check to see if the cycle you have selected on display matches what is at the top of your dishwasher. If it does not match and you are sure that this was how it was set when you started, try cycling through all of them again if one is stuck or doesn’t work properly.

The following Whirlpool dishwasher functions can cause a dishwasher not to start:

  • Delay Start (DELAY): The dishwasher will not start until the Delay Start time has elapsed.
  • Delay Wash (DWAIT): This function is used to delay wash cycles by a preset number of hours, from one hour up to 24 hours. The dishwasher will automatically turn on at the set time and begin the cycle once it reaches maximum water temperature.
  • Timer (TIMER) or Timed Dispense Function: Sets how many minutes before starting that your dishwasher triggers its next phase
  • Control Lock: This function locks the control panel so that only a person with installation knowledge can reset it.

Check Water Supply

It’s important to check your water supply. Make sure you have the correct water pressure and that your dishwasher is placed close to the hot water supply.

If you have a hose, make sure the fittings are tight, and there are no kinks or blockages in hoses. Make sure there are no leaks or drips coming from the dishwasher hoses. Fix any leaks before continuing to use your dishwasher.

In the event that your dishwasher is not running, it may be due to a defective water inlet valve. This valve opens and closes at an appropriate time so as to prevent any blockages from affecting cleaning quality. Test the water inlet valve for continuity using a multimeter, and if it fails, then replace it.

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Defective Timer

The timer in your dishwasher helps determine the order that power flows to different types of items during any given wash cycle. If the timer isn’t working correctly, the dishwasher may not fill with water, and/or it might stop working. So first, check to make sure that power is getting to your timer by checking for voltage on the wire attached to the timer module.

Faulty Drive Motor

The drive motor in your dishwasher is what circulates the water to make sure the dishes come out clean. If the motor isn’t working, it may not turn on.

An electrical current is used to power the dishwasher’s motor, which is started either by the timer and a relay or by automatic control. If the whirlpool dishwasher won’t start after power is sent to the motor, this could indicate that the drive motor is defective. If you also hear a loud, humming noise from the motor, it’s likely that your motor has seized up and will need to be replaced.

Reset Whirlpool Dishwasher

Dishwashers are designed to be a set it and forget it appliance, but sometimes the dishwasher might not work. Resetting your Whirlpool Dishwasher can fix many problems.

  • Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet for 20 seconds
  • Turn off water supply valve at sink or inlet on the back of dishwasher (if you have one)
  • Press the RESET button on the top control panel twice quickly – wait 15 minutes before trying again

We hope these suggestions help! And again, please let us know in the comments below if any of them work for you. So, others with similar problems will find out how to fix their machine too.

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