KitchenAid Dishwasher is one of the most reliable dishwashers in the world. It has a number of features that have made KitchenAid Dishwasher a top choice for many homeowners. However, some people have complained about KitchenAid dishwasher won’t start and want to know what might be causing this issue and how to fix it.
In this blog post, we will discuss potential causes of KitchenAid dishwasher not starting properly, along with possible solutions that you can try at home!
Why KitchenAid Dishwasher Won’t Start? Troubleshoot and Diagnosis
Did the dishwasher just stop working? Did it start making a weird noise? Is there water in the bottom of it? Does it have power, but nothing happens when you press “start”? If any of these things happened, Keep on reading below, and It will help get your machine up and running again.
Electrical Issues
Make sure your dishwasher is plugged in and that the cord is securely plugged into an outlet. If there are any power surges, they can cause your dishwasher to stop working.
Sometimes your dishwasher won’t start because it is not plugged in or there’s an issue with the circuit breaker. Make sure your dishwasher is securely plugged in and that the circuit breaker switches haven’t been tripped.
Check Door Latch Or Door Latch Switch
If your KitchenAid dishwasher won’t start, then the problem might be with the door latch or switches. The dishwasher door latch assembly is one of the most important parts of a dishwasher.
It’s designed to hold the door closed during cycle time, prevent any water from leaking out, and includes switches that supply power to the control panel.
If the door can’t close properly to activate the latch switches or if they’re defective, then you won’t be able to power on your dishwasher. Inspect all of these parts before it’s too late, and make sure everything is working as planned!
Water Supply Issue
If the dishwasher is not starting, but you know it’s secure and that all electrical connections are in good condition, then there might be an issue with the water supply to your dishwasher. You’ll need to check for clogs or a broken line from the faucet valve before continuing.
When the dishwasher is running, it needs a steady supply of water. Check if there are leaks or kinks in your hose and make any necessary repairs before you start washing dishes.
If your KitchenAid dishwasher is not working, it may be due to a defective water inlet valve. This device opens and closes as needed for the machine’s wash cycle. We recommend that you contact a team of professionals who can assess and replace this part if necessary.
Child Lock is ON
The child lock in your dishwasher is an important safety feature to prevent little ones from accidentally turning it on and opening the door while running. Check with your owner’s manual for a list of instructions to set or disable this option.
Incorrect Dishwasher Cycle Settings
When starting your dishwasher, make sure you select a cycle first. The appliance won’t start until one is selected.
Also, make sure that you have not accidentally selected the wrong option. The following KitchenAid dishwasher functions can cause a dishwasher not to start:
Control lock: Select this option to lock the control panel buttons. Selecting it again will unlock the controls for normal use.
Child lock: This safety feature prevents children from accidentally opening the door and turning on the dishwasher while it’s running.
Sleep Mode: If you have set up sleep mode, then your appliance won’t start automatically with no active water source connected or turned on at all times (a standard faucet).
Delay Start (DELAY): This setting will start the dishwasher at a specific time.
Reset the KitchenAid Dishwasher
To reset the dishwasher control panel, you need to disconnect it from a power source for one minute. For example, if your dishwasher is plugged into an outlet, just unplug it and then plug it back in after 60 seconds have passed by.
But if the connections are hard-wired to a breaker box that powers everything else throughout your home (or there’s another reason why this won’t work), turn off its breaker at said electrical panel instead.
Defective Timer
The timer is integral to the functioning of the dishwasher. Without it, power does not flow appropriately through the proper parts at appropriate times.
If the timer is not working, it will not send voltage to the dishwasher, causing it not to start. Timers are often misdiagnosed—check more commonly defective parts before replacing the timer.
Blown Thermal Fuse
The thermal fuse shuts off power to the dishwasher if it overheats. If you find this happening more than once, use a multimeter to test for continuity and replace the faulty component so that your dishes will wash again.
Faulty Drive Motor
The drive motor is the most likely cause of a dishwasher not starting. The drive motor powers the transmission and turns on all other parts in sequence to wash dishes, dry them, or do both at once (if you have that setting).
If it’s defective for any reason—broken wire inside the insulation, which will need an electrician to repair, faulty capacitor, etc.—the dishwasher won’t start.
The humming noise coming from the motor could indicate a seized or broken motor, which would need to be replaced.

Hi there! I’m Sam Hendricks, and I’m a repair technician and expert. I created this website to help people like you save money and time by fixing your own appliances.
Over the years, I’ve seen people spend a lot of money on unnecessary repairs or replacements. That’s why I decided to share my expertise and create easy-to-follow guides for fixing appliances on your own.