7 Reasons Why KitchenAid Dishwasher Leaking – Let’s Fix It

KitchenAid dishwashers are a great appliance for your kitchen. They help you save space and time while still giving you the quality clean that you need. However, KitchenAid dishwasher leaking is a common problem for KitchenAid owners.

KitchenAid dishwasher leaks can be caused by many different problems- from faulty seals to clogs in the drain system. This blog post will discuss some of these causes so that KitchenAid owners can better diagnose and fix their leaky dishwasher.

What Causes KitchenAid Dishwasher Leaking? Troubleshooting and Diagnosis

KitchenAid Dishwasher Leaking

KitchenAid dishwasher leaks can be frustrating, but they are usually not difficult to fix. Let’s look at the possible causes and solutions for it.

Using the Wrong Detergent

Are you using dishwasher detergent or sink soap? Be sure to use the right type of detergent in your washer. Dishwasher soaps are created for dishes without creating bubbles that cause an overflow, and if they’re not working well enough, maybe it’s time for a change. Using too harsh types of cleaners can also lead to cracking and erosion on the bottom floor inside your dishwasher tub.

Some dishwasher detergent/soap will cause too much sudsing, making a mess around the door and may leak out past the door. To solve this problem, change your detergent to one made specifically for use in the dishwasher.

Dishwasher is Overloaded

Another problem KitchenAid dishwasher leaking can be due to the fact that your dishwasher is overloaded.

Don’t cram the dishwasher: Avoid overloading your dishwasher by making sure all of the dishes are as close to the top rack as possible. A fully loaded bottom rack will also make it difficult for the spray arm at the bottom to do its job properly. So, even if you have an over-busy week that prevents you from finishing a load before heading out, be sure not to pack any plates in on top of items already sitting on or near the lower rack. 

If your dishwasher is leaking and not filling to an appropriate level, water will be unable to reach the uppermost dishes. This can cause food remnants to shuffle around inside the top rack, settling at the bottom of that rack with a force that may even poke holes in some glasses and dishes or break them altogether. 

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Overloading or inserting too many bulky items may hinder the spray arms from operating, so it is best to avoid overloading your dishwasher or excessively filling it with heavy items.

Dishwasher is Unlevel

If your dishwasher leans forward, you might notice water leaking from beneath the door. The leaks may not be noticeable at first, but they can quickly become severe and lead to flooding on floors near the dishwasher.

When the dishwasher isn’t level, water can end up pushing its way up against the seal. All of that excess pressure will eventually damage the gasket, which means you’ll need to have it replaced.

When a dishwasher isn’t level, not only is drainage compromised and water left sitting around in pools (which breeds bacteria and smells), but an unlevel dishwasher might also leak when pressure from inside exceeds what’s necessary to release itself through openings by draining outside onto your kitchen floor.

Place a level in the bottom of your dishwasher if misaligned, place shims under the unit, and measure again. Readjust until you have a perfectly leveled dishwasher.

Faulty Water Inlet Valve

Your dishwasher gets water from your main line through the water inlet valve. To determine if there is a leak from the underneath of the machine, remove the bottom kick plate at the back, hot water comes in through one of three tubing systems: rubber hose (common), copper tube (less common), or braided material (occasional).

Look for the supply line and trace it to the valve inlet to check that it is tight with no leaks or cracks. Look for symptoms of trouble on the rubber or plastic outlet hose coming back out of the valve. Be sure to also check the plastic of the water inlet valve and the injector on the side of the tub. To check for dishwasher leaks, leave the lower kickplate off and watch the washing cycle.

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If your dishwasher continues to fill above the heating element after lowering the float switch and opening the door latch, there may be a problem with your inlet valve.

Loose Pump Seal

A loose pump seal is one of the causes of KitchenAid dishwasher leaking problems. Leaky dishwashers may be leaking from the pump housing or motor. If you see any water dripping, remove the pump and replace the sealing ring.

Damaged Latch or Gasket

A damaged latch or gasket is another KitchenAid dishwasher leaking cause. KitchenAid dishwashers can leak from the door seal if it warps, breaks, or becomes brittle due to age. The seal may also be damaged by too much heat and repeated use and cleaning cycles that create a buildup of detergent on the rubber surface.

If the water is accumulating directly underneath your dishwasher, you likely have a leaking door. Check for any cracks in the door or loose latches that may be causing the leak. To fix the leak, tighten the latch on the door. If that does not work, there may be an issue with the gasket, and it will need to be replaced. This is the rubber seal around the door of your dishwasher. If it’s damaged, you can replace this easily. 

Faulty Float Switch

Float assembly is a safety device to prevent the dishwasher from overfilling with water. Float and float switch are located inside of dishwasher at the bottom of the tub and below the tub directly below the float, respectively.

The float rises as the water level in the dishwasher increases, and when it has reached an appropriate level, It activates the float switch, which cuts off water entering the appliance. Malfunctioning float or float switch could cause the water level to be too high and create a leak.

Dishwashers’ water levels are typically just to the heating element at the bottom of the tub. If your dishwasher’s water level is higher than normal, this could be an indication of a broken float or float switch. Test the float switch with a multimeter. If it fails the continuity test the replace it.

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Stuck or Clogged Spray Arm

As water is forced through the dishwasher spray arms, it sprays and covers the dishes in detergent. All dishwashers have a lower arm that is located at the bottom of the dishwasher, and some models also have middle or upper arms below the top rack on top of the tub.

The pressure of the water being sprayed can cause damage to the plastic spray arm or metal head which alters its ability to disperse water evenly. This can result in a leaky dishwasher door at the bottom where there’s no sealant for protection from incidental contact with water. Replace the broken spray arm to solve the KitchenAid Dishwasher Leaking problem.

Check Hose Clamps & Hoses

Often, the hoses and clamps on KitchenAid dishwashers will need to be tightened. KitchenAid dishwasher connections are prone to leakage due to this problem. The connection at the top of your Kitchen Aid lower arm may also leak if it is not connected securely enough in its tube connector below the waterline.

If the dishwasher has come loose or has cracks in the hoses, it could be the cause of a leak. Check both clamps on the drain hose and the circulating hose.

We hope that now you are not facing the KitchenAid Dishwasher leaking problem. Please do comment with your questions, and we will be happy to answer them.

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