Is your dishwasher hums but not filling with water? The problem could be caused by parts such as a faulty water inlet valve or float switch. The inlet fill line also has to be clear. If it’s been more than a week since you used the dishwasher, it’s possible that the seals have dried out, stopping the dishwasher from filling.
How does a dishwasher work? There’s one major principle. The dishwasher has two racks for holding dishes. It cleans the load by spraying hot soapy water on its surface.
Your dishwasher is working correctly when you can hear the water spraying inside. What does it sound like? There are different sounds depending on the type of dishwasher, how many sprayers, and the power of the cleaning (strength). The sound of water spraying is normal when your dishwasher is working properly.
If you are experiencing a humming sound but no water is being sprayed onto your dishes, there are a number of potential causes for this problem. Below are the most common reasons.
The first thing to check is that the dishwasher’s water supply line is turned on. If it’s not, rotate the knob counterclockwise to open the water flow. If you live in a cold climate, you should also be aware that the line could have frozen and needs to be thawed before the dishwasher will work.
Clogged Inlet Valve
There are many reasons why a dishwasher may not be filling up with water, but the most common is that the washer doesn’t have enough water. When there isn’t enough water, the washer won’t operate properly. The dishwasher is not filling with water because it’s not running or has very little water inside.
So, one possible reason for this is that the part of the nozzle that is supposed to allow water to enter the tub is not working.
If your area has a hard water issue, there’s a chance that the inlet or outlet side of the valve is clogged with calcium deposits.
If you live in an area with hard water, it may be possible that buildup is happening unbeknownst to you. The buildup of calcite in your plumbing can cause various problems, including clogs which can be very difficult and expensive to fix. However, the problem is simple to avoid with one simple solution: soften your water with a filter.
If your plumbing system has a buildup of calcium from hard water, the repair is not difficult or expensive.
Here are some steps to check your dishwasher’s water inlet valve:
- First, you need to power down the appliance and detach its supply of water.
- Find the water inlet valve on the lower left side of your dishwasher. If it is not accessible, then you must remove the lower access panel.
- From your outlet side of the valve, pull the hose clamps out for inspection. Then, from the inlet side of the valve, pull the downstream hose clamps out for inspection.
- When checking the water inlet valve for damage, look for signs of wear, tear, cracking, or other defects.
- If you see any blockages in the water inlet valve, use a special tool to remove them.
- If you’re having a difficult time removing the calcium deposit in your water valve, it may be time to replace your water inlet valve.
- When you finish repairing your dishwasher, make sure to put everything back in its proper position. Plug the dishwasher back into the wall and turn on the water supply. Make sure there are no leaks in the water path.
- Pull up the power cord to your dishwasher and plug it in. Turn the power on. Check to see if water is flowing into the washer’s tub.
Malfunctioning Float
Is your dishwasher not filling with water? Fault floats could be the answer. One of the most important safety features on a washer is the fault float, which prevents water from overflowing.
The float in your dishwasher rises when the water level is high enough. If your dishwasher’s level is right, the float will send a signal to the water inlet valve to turn off the water supply.
However, when your dishwasher’s float breaks down, it may not fill with water, thus stopping the washer from operating at its maximum efficiency.
Steps to Troubleshoot Faulty Float Assembly:
- Unplug your dishwasher before you start troubleshooting the float assembly.
- Your dishwasher’s float assembly might be dysfunctional. Open your dishwasher and look for a small float and the cover protecting it. Then, manually release the float and watch it go up and down. This is a sign of a healthy float assembly. If it doesn’t go down, remove the float and inspect the guide tube where it connects to the dishwater’s motor. You should also check for visible signs of damage on the float.
- Remove the lower panel of your dishwasher to check if the float is working correctly. Push the float up against the switch to see if it engages.
- If these steps do not resolve your dishwasher issue, it may need a new float.
Bad Float Switch
A common problem is the float switch. The float switch is an important part of the dishwasher, as it tells the water inlet valve when to turn on or off. It does this by being connected to the float assembly, which controls the height of the water entering the dishwasher. As the float reaches the proper water level, the switch turns off the water inlet valve.
If you have replaced the float assembly, but the water is not filling up the inside of the dishwasher, you most likely need to replace the float switch. This usually occurs when the float switch is broken or does not work properly. Test your current float switch before you spend the money on another one.
Here are the steps to check your dishwasher’s Float Switch:
- To start, disconnect the dishwasher from its power source. This is a safety precaution so if you are dealing with electrical parts it can’t create a dangerous situation.
- Locate the float switch behind the washer’s lower access panel, directly under the dishwasher’s float assembly.
- Gently disconnect all wires connected to it.
- To test the float switch, remove it and see if it has continuity. Turn your multimeter onto the Rx1 setting with its probes resting at the terminals of the float switch. You should see a reading of infinity or zero. Press your washer’s switch button and you will see the reading on your multimeter change to the opposite extreme.
- If your float switch is giving you different readings than what is recommended, you should replace it.
Damaged Door Switch
Safety and leak prevention are of the utmost importance when it comes to dishwashers. To prevent leaks in a dishwasher, a door interlock switch is installed in the dishwasher in order to turn off power automatically when the door is open.
If the door is opened, the dishwasher will not turn on or will shut down automatically. This is a quick safety measure in case something goes wrong.
The dishwasher door switch is easy to use, but there’s a catch: if the prongs become damaged or worn, the switch will stop working. With no power to the water inlet valve, the water cannot enter the dishwasher.
To check the switch, there are two things you can do. You can take a quick look at the switch to see if it has any damage. If it does, you can find the manufacturer of the dishwasher and purchase a new one. But if the switch doesn’t look damaged, you should also take an electrical continuity test with a multimeter. The electrical test will tell you if the switch is good or bad.
If the dishwasher doesn’t power on, maybe the door switch is faulty. To diagnose, first turn off the circuit breaker at the breaker panel. Then open up the inside panel of the dishwasher door with a screwdriver. Disconnect the wires and screws that mount the door switch to the machine. Remove it and replace it with a new one.
Reverse the steps to install the new door switch and test with the power turned on.
Dry or Stuck Pump Seals
Say, you haven’t used your dishwasher in a while and now it’s making weird humming noises. But guess what: it’s not just your imagination! If the dishwasher has not been used in a while, the dishwasher pump seals may dry out and stick which can cause the dishwasher to make noise but not fill with water.
To Fix the issue, doo the below things:
- Power Off the Dishwasher.
- Remove all dishes.
- Clear any remaining water inside the dishwasher’s tub.
- To make your own all-purpose spray cleaner, combine three to four ounces of citric acid with one quart of hot water. White vinegar can also be used for this purpose, but citric acid is more effective.
- Pour the citric acid solution into the sump area and leave it for 15-30 minutes.
- Switch On the dishwasher again and run a test cycle to see if water is entering again into the dishwasher.
Troubleshooting your dishwasher may seem like a daunting task. Even if it’s humming, it might not be filling up because of any number of different reasons. There are three things to look for which will allow you to know the specific issue that is troubling your dishwasher. Call a repair specialist when you encounter an issue that is outside of your expertise.

Hi there! I’m Sam Hendricks, and I’m a repair technician and expert. I created this website to help people like you save money and time by fixing your own appliances.
Over the years, I’ve seen people spend a lot of money on unnecessary repairs or replacements. That’s why I decided to share my expertise and create easy-to-follow guides for fixing appliances on your own.