If your dishwasher not spraying water, the problem may be mechanical or electrical. There are various components that cause moving parts to work together, and over time this can lead to wear and tear.
There are many companies that produce dishwashers today. However, they tend to function in very similar ways. So, when a dishwasher is not spraying any water inside, it is usually for the same few reasons. Regardless of whether they are from Whirlpool, Samsung, LG, GE or Maytag, the root cause is the same.
Dishwasher not spraying water? It could be a problem with the overloading, circulation pump, spray arms, chopper blades, or the water inlet valve. If water isn’t being sprayed or pressure is low, one of these parts may be clogged or broken. Your dishwasher needs water! That is a fact. But if it isn’t spraying any, your dishes and glassware will be dirty. Let’s take a look at the possible reasons you might have a malfunctioning dishwasher.
Dishwasher Not Spraying Water – Troubleshoot And Diagnosis
Lets have a look at possible causes and solution.
1. Dishwasher is Overloaded
One problem that you may encounter with your dishwasher is an excessive amount of dishes. There are two dangers in this. The first issue is that too many dishes can make it seem like your dishwasher cannot clean the dishes because the height of the dishes blocks the water from reaching other items. With too many dishes, particularly those that are taller in shape, can block the spray water of the water to other dishes. This is a no-brainer. The second issue is that the weight of the dishes will cause your dishwasher to stop working at all, or work poorly. This too is not hard to fix.
Your washer is full and it’s not cleaning the dishes. What should you do? Try to take out a quarter of the dishes in your dishwasher and run it again. If it’s only a problem with the dishwasher being crowded, you should see an improvement after running it again and pressing “start.”
2. Water Supply Issue
There’s no water getting into your dishwasher! Sometimes this is because the water isn’t turned on, sometimes it just needs a few minutes to heat up. You can tell if this is the case by trying to start the dishwasher and listening for water coming out of the bottom of the unit. If you hear nothing, and you know the water is on, then we need to focus on your water supply rather than the machine itself.
If your model runs more quietly, open it to check for water in the bottom tub. If there is no water in the tub, the problem is not with the dishwasher but with the water supply.
Low water pressure can cause problems with dishwashing. Low water pressure may affect the water supply into the tub, causing inadequate water for the dishwasher. To solve this problem, check to see if there is any leakage in the house. Check the water valve and if it’s not the problem, check the overfill float switch.
If the dishwasher’s water pressure is good enough to fill its tub, the float switch will turn off automatically. However, if it malfunctions or needs adjustment, you may need to readjust the float switch to work again.
3. Clogged Spray Arm
If you’ve noticed that your dishwasher’s water spray arm is starting to clog, this could mean that your dishwasher is no longer getting any water. The reason for this is most likely the buildup of hard water on the spray arm. If left alone, this buildup can cause a blockage which will make it seem like your dishwasher isn’t getting any water.
You need to troubleshoot a possible problem with a spray arm. It is important to make sure the spray arm is not clogged and is moving freely. One type of spray arm is located at the base, while some others are located in the middle and top.
When the dishes need a good scrub, the water and detergent spray arm does an excellent job. But when the arm doesn’t rotate, there are usually too many dishes for it to handle or some other obstruction preventing it from moving. You may hear this problem before you notice it.
Food debris, hard water deposits, and general buildup can clog your spray arms. If you haven’t cleaned them in a while, they may be clogged.
If your spray arm is clogged with calcification, the best way to get it going again is to use a toothpick or needle to clear out the debris and make sure that your sprayers are able to rotate correctly. If the problem persists after the initial cleaning, try spraying a little vinegar on your sprayer to help loosen up the calcification.
Here is how you clean the spray arm. First, remove the lower tray off to access the spray arm. Second, turn the arm in an anticlockwise direction and remove it, depending on your model. If it doesn’t move freely, unscrew any parts that are attached. Next, clean any debris that is stuck on the arm with a brush or sponge. Finally, soak the arms in white vinegar before soaking them in water.
To unclog your spray arms, try removing the debris in holes by using a steel cable or hanging wire. You can also clean using a toothbrush or fingers. Make sure it’s back in place, and give it a test run.
The arm of your dishwasher can be difficult to clean. You need to make sure it moves freely, and also make sure the filter system is checking for debris.
4. Clogged or Broken Dishwasher Pump Filter
If the water is not spraying, check if your dishwasher is getting enough water pressure. If it is, then check the pump filter. The pump takes the soapy water from the tub to the spray arm.
Food particles can easily clog your dishwasher’s filter and pump, leading to the spray arms not working as well as they should. This is most often due to filters being located at the base of the dishwasher. However, every brand differs so it’s best to check for this information in the manual.
There are two ways to clean the filter and pump if it has collected debris. You can wash it under warm water, or you can vacuum the debris out using a vacuum cleaner. To maintain your dishwasher in excellent condition, clean these parts twice a year at a minimum.
5. Float Switch Problem
Float switches are a safety feature that prevents flooding in dishwashers. If too much water enters, the switch will turn off and prevent any more water from entering. But what happens when your float switch goes bad? The switch may think the dishwasher is full of water when there is no water coming in — and turns it off!
A dishwasher has two main parts that relate to the water level: the float and the microchip. If the chip is bad, you can use a multitester at 1 ohm to tell if it is. If the float is bad, you’ll notice it by some signs, such as wear and tear.
Let’s say your float switch is bad. You’re in luck because most float switches are easy and cheap to replace. The only problem is that most people don’t want to do it themselves, so they hire a repairman. It’s up to you, but we advise you to do it yourself if you are confident enough and good with electrical machines.
6. Bad Water Valve
It’s simple: You need water to get a clean dishwasher. The water inlet valve is your home’s connection to the dishwasher. It will open and close as needed to ensure there is always enough water while also preventing any over-filling and flooding.
One of the most common causes of dishwasher problems is a clogged or broken water valve. To check, turn on the water and make sure it’s running to the dishwasher. Turn off the water and open the connection to the valve to see if there’s any water in it. If there is, you will need to replace the valve.
If you find that your dishwasher won’t spray water, it may be because the water inlet valve is clogged and needs to be cleaned. This could happen if there’s debris or foreign matter contaminating your home’s water supply. Alternatively, the water inlet valve may have burnt out from overuse or a short circuit.
Dishwashers can be complicated machines. When they’re not working, we’re often left wondering what the problem is. When this happens, the valve will not be able to open and shut as it usually would, and no water will be able to flow into the dishwasher. In this case, two things might have happened: either the dishwasher has been turned off at the breaker or the valve hasn’t been opened. Either way, there will be no water coming in.
In order to open your dishwasher, you’ll have to remove the top panel. water valve is the one that’s connected directly to your water supply. You’ll need to disconnect the power and water supply first, but then it should be easy. Once you have the panel off, you can take a closer look at the water inlet valve.
To clean a clogged water valve in a dishwasher, remove the clogged and clear it out. If there are any burn marks or smells, it may need to be replaced entirely. Replacing it is easy: simply install it in place of the faulty one and take off the electrical connector from the valve.
7. Chopper Blade Clogged
Inside your dishwasher, there are components that do more than just spray water and wash dishes. There is a chopper blade! That is correct, your dishwasher probably has a chopper blade whose only task is to cut up any food bits into smaller pieces.
Cutting food into smaller bits makes it easier to pump out of the machine once the washing cycle is over.
Your chopper blade should be sharp enough to cut through anything. But, what if the blade gets jammed or part-way clogged? This can happen if something hard gets in its way. When this happens, the wash pump will stop spinning. If the appliance’s whole washing function shuts down, you have a problem.
The job of clearing a chopper blade is daunting. Standing in front of the machine, you’ll need to locate the chopper blade. It might mean removing access panels, as well as any piping in your way. Once that’s done, you’ll be able to remove anything that’s clogging up the chopper blade.
Don’t forget to hand-rotate the dishwasher chopper blade after you’ve finished to make sure it turns the next time you want to use it.
How To Fix A Dishwasher That Won’t Spray Water
A dishwasher that will not spray water can be attributed to a few different problems.
The first thing to do is make sure the washer on the top rack of dishes is not clogged with food.
If this is not the problem, then it might be that the dishwasher is not connected to a water line, or there are no gaps where the water line connects to the dishwasher.
Now check if the dishwasher is not leveled correctly. To correct this issue, the dishwasher needs to be adjusted so it is level.
If the above solution doesn’t solve the issue then, it might be that there is a build-up on the waterline or the sprayer.
To fix this, remove the top rack of dishes and clean out any clogs.
If this is not the problem, then wipe the sprayer nozzle to clear out any clogs.
Dishwasher Fills With Water But Does Not Spray
There are many potential problems with a dishwasher that stops spraying water. In many cases, the problem is caused by clogging of the spray arm, chopper blades, or circulation pump. Additionally, the problem could be caused by a failed water inlet valve or water pump.

Hi there! I’m Sam Hendricks, and I’m a repair technician and expert. I created this website to help people like you save money and time by fixing your own appliances.
Over the years, I’ve seen people spend a lot of money on unnecessary repairs or replacements. That’s why I decided to share my expertise and create easy-to-follow guides for fixing appliances on your own.