7 Reasons Why GE Dryer Won’t Start – Let’s Fix It

A common problem with Maytag dryers is that they won’t start. The dryer may not be heating, or it may run for a short time and then stop with an error light. Sometimes it will start, but the drum won’t turn. This post will walk you through the steps to troubleshoot your dryer to try to get it working again.

The Ge Dryer is one of the most common appliances in any household and they are all essential to get your laundry done. However, these dryers may sometimes turn out to be a pain in the neck. For example, they might not start or they might suddenly cut off mid-cycle. Luckily, there are a few simple solutions to address these issues and we’ll be discussing all these fixes and more below.

GE Dryer Won’t Start – Troubleshoot and Diagnosis

GE Dryer Won't Start

Troubleshooting a GE dryer that won’t start can be time-consuming and frustrating, but we offer the most common causes for faulty dryers, straightforward solutions, and helpful tips and tricks to have your GE Dryer up and running again in no time. We also provide useful information on safety, operation, and maintenance to help you keep your dryer operating efficiently long after it’s been installed.

Incoming Power Problem

Electrical power is often the culprit when a GE dryer won’t start. You can confirm that the appliance has power by checking both the power cord and the outlet you’re plugging into. If your outlet is on an extension cord, it could be that issue causing your GE dryer not to start. When a dryer doesn’t have power, the control panel typically won’t illuminate or perform any function.

Make sure your dryer is plugged into a working outlet and that the cord isn’t damaged. In some cases, it can be helpful to try a different outlet in your home. If you live in an apartment building, check with your building manager to see if other tenants are having issues with their dryers.

There are a lot of reasons why extension cords can be dangerous, especially for electronics. You should never use an extension cord to operate your dryer, because they can’t safely transmit the voltage required to keep it running (and yes, they can cause it to just shut off in the middle of drying).

When you encounter an issue with your equipment or a product, it’s important to find out whether it’s a problem with your equipment or the product itself. To avoid confusion, check your circuit breaker box or fuse box and reset any tripped breakers. If that doesn’t solve the problem, there’s likely a problem with the device itself.

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Incorrect Dryer Settings

GE dryers come with a variety of features, making it easy for users to find a machine that suits their needs. But if the wrong settings are selected for certain loads, certain air movement settings or even certain cycles, you might find yourself with a dryer that doesn’t start right away.

Your current home dryer won’t start at times? It could be because an option called the control lock is enabled. This means that all functions in the control panel are locked and can’t be used until turned off. There’s also a Delay Start feature which may delay the beginnings of your drying cycle to a pre-selected time.

Door Not Latched Properly

To start a drying cycle, ensure the dryer door is fully closed and the dryer door latch has engaged. The dryer door latch secures the door and automatically switches on the dryer when it closes properly.

The door latch is the most common problem that causes a GE dryer to stop working. GE dryers are designed so that when you close the door, it should automatically lock and make contact with the door switch. If your GE dryer is not activating, first check if the door latch is aligned in its correct position.

If you’ve checked all the safety features and your dryer still won’t start, look for a mechanical or electrical failure. If you notice an impact to the door or if there is damage to the door latch, it could be that the door latch is not making contact with its switch — bypassing the safety features. The only way to check the switch is to run a continuity check on the wires and replace it if there is no continuity.

Broken Timer Knob

GE dryer timer knob is turning with resistance. This usually indicates damage, and the corresponding timer will not work. Test to verify the operation of the switch. If it fails, you can remove the knob, remove the bezel cover and inspect for damage.

If the dryer’s timer seems stuck, you may be able to fix it with just a little bit of help. First, disconnect the dryer’s power supply and then remove the cover over the timer. Then carefully remove any clothes that are in the dryer before spraying a non-flammable contact cleaner into the space around the timer.

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If you can’t spray in cleaner or the timer is sealed off, it may indicate that your dryer timer needs to be replaced. Timers are easy to install, but if you aren’t comfortable, you can call a professional service technician who will replace the timer for you in no time.

Blown Thermal Fuse

The thermal fuse is a safety feature that shuts a dryer off in the event of an overheating situation. During normal use, the thermal fuse does not need to be replaced. However, if you notice any issues with your dryer, it is important to inspect and test the thermal loop.

If the thermal fuse is blown, you will not be able to use your dryer. You will know if it has been blown because the door lock switch indicator light will not come on when you turn the dryer on. A blown thermal fuse can be easily replaced, but you should always make sure that the problem is due to the thermal fuse before purchasing a new one.

If the fuse in your dryer blows, you will need to replace it. Use a multimeter to test the fuse. The multimeter should show “continuity.” This means there is an unbroken path of electrical current, indicating it’s still good.

If a fuse blows, you should inspect the dryer exhaust vent, to make sure that nothing is blocking it. Even lint, that builds up through regular use, can cause the fuse to continuously blow.

Defective Dryer Start Switch

The Start button is located directly behind the Start button. When the button is pushed and activated, the control panel will begin a drying cycle. If the start switch is faulty, you may have difficulty starting the dryer. Check to see if the start switch is making a clicking sound or not at all. You will also want to see if the start switch indicator light is on or not.

To test if the start switch is faulty or not, press the start switch until you hear a humming sound. If the dryer does not start, then the switch is likely bad and needs to be replaced. Otherwise, try pressing the start switch again to see if the dryer starts.

Check the contacts on the centre terminal of the start switch, and then test these contacts with your multimeter. If they don’t have continuity, then replace the start switch assembly.

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Bad Belt Switch

We all know that a dryer has belts, but what we might not know is that those belts — often called tumbler or dryer tumbler belts, or just drive belts — are actually a vital part of the appliance. They’re designed to make the drying process as efficient as possible. Without them, the dryer won’t tumble properly and will be working at suboptimal capacity. If this belt is broken, the dryer will still turn on. You’ll get heat, but no tumbling action. No spinning means no drying and thus no clean clothes.

With the belt switch on GE dryers, if the belt breaks, this belt switch kicks in to cut power to the motor. It’s like a circuit breaker switch in your home, only it has nothing to do with supplying power to the house, just the dryer.

If the belt is still intact but the switch itself is bad — for example, because of corrosion or a defect in the switch — then the dryer won’t turn on. The only way to fix that problem would be to replace the belt switch. You’ll need to perform a continuity test on the belt switch. If there is no continuity, you’ll need to replace the belt switch with a new one.

Faulty Motor

If your GE dryer is making a humming sound during cycles or if it shuts off unexpectedly, you may need to replace the drive motor. GE recommends that you immediately unplug the machine from the wall and call your local representative, who will diagnose the issue by testing whether a replacement drive motor is needed.

To test for an issue with the dryer drive motor, first, check for voltage at the terminals of the motor. Turn off the dryer and unplug it. Use a multimeter set on Rx1 to test the terminals on both sides of the drive motor. The terminals should have 0 volts if there’s no power going to the motor. If there is voltage, replace the part.

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