5 Reasons Why GE Profile Refrigerator Not Cooling – Let’s Fix It

GE’s Profile series of appliances is well known for its sleek and innovative design — so if you own a Profile refrigerator, chances are, it’s the centerpiece of your kitchen. But if the GE Profile refrigerator not cooling properly, it can be a bit annoying.

If your GE Profile refrigerator isn’t cooling properly, check the temperature settings, ensure it’s not overstuffed blocking air vents, and examine the evaporator coils for frost. Also, ensure the fan motors are working correctly, the door gasket is intact, and the light switch is functioning as expected. If any component is found faulty, consider replacing it.

There are multiple potential problems that could cause this issue — to help you diagnose the problem, we’ve gathered up all of our troubleshooting tips in one place.

GE Profile Refrigerator Not Cooling – Troubleshoot and Diagnosis

It’s easy to know when an appliance isn’t working properly—it usually stops working altogether! When your refrigerator or freezer stops cooling, it can be confusing. To save you time, we’ve laid out the most common reasons why a GE Profile refrigerator won’t cool appropriately and how it can be fixed.

GE Profile Refrigerator Not Cooling

1. Incorrect Temperature Settings

If your GE refrigerator’s temperature settings are reading a cool temp but the fridge feels warmer than usual, there’s likely no need to worry.

This problem is often a discrepancy between the internal and external temperatures of the device – which means it’s not an actual cooling issue.

Your owner’s manual should have a chart that shows you how to adjust your refrigerator’s temperature settings for maximum cooling.

Refrigerator temperatures of 40°F or below slows the growth of harmful bacteria.

Check the temperature of your fridge with a separate thermometer to ensure that it’s set at 40°F or below. If the interior is warmer than what the refrigerator is reading, adjust the setting and wait 24 hours for it to reach the new level.

If the refrigerator is only a little bit colder than it should be, set the temperature to its lowest setting, and then let it sit for a day. Continue to adjust the temperature down until the refrigerator is 40 degrees F, at least.

2. Overstuffing

Packed with produce, leftovers, and drinks in glass containers, many refrigerators can become too full to keep cool. While keeping refrigerators running smoothly is the best way to protect food, there are some things that can cause cooling issues in fridges.

Anything that restricts air flow in the fridge could cause cooling issues. Having too many items in your refrigerator can block air vents, which disrupts airflow.

Carefully monitor your refrigerator temperature, and make sure it is kept at a steady temperature of 36-40 degrees Fahrenheit. Don’t overload the refrigerator by packing it with food — this makes it harder for the compressor to maintain the right temperature. Regularly clean out inside of your fridge to remove any buildup that can impede air circulation and cause food to spoil.

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3. Evaporator Coils Frosted

GE refrigerators —- and most refrigerators, for that matter — have a built-in defrost mechanism. In simple terms, this system removes frost from the refrigerator’s evaporator coils. These coils are responsible for cooling air that’s sent into the fridge, but without regular defrosting, they’ll be covered in ice that prevents air from flowing freely through the unit. This ultimately leads to a malfunction that prevents your GE refrigerator from operating properly.

If frost is hidden beneath the freezer’s interior panels, it has probably built up between the evaporator coils — these flat, fin-like metal components resemble a radiator and are responsible for cooling. If they’re clogged with ice and other debris, your refrigerator may not cool properly.

Remove the panel covering these coils and take a look. If you see frost on the evaporator coils, your freezer isn’t working properly and should be repaired or replaced to prevent food spoilage.

If your freezer seems to be working too slowly, you’ll need to defrost it. Take out all the food that’s inside and leave the door open to let the ice melt, then close it up and wait for it to be cold again. You can speed the process up by using a hair dryer, but this isn’t great for your fridge because it leaves hot air in there.

Defrost problems can be caused by different parts of your refrigerator. It is important to locate the exact part that is causing the problem in order to make the best decision about what to do next. The thermostat, heater, or temperature sensor may all need replacing.

4. Check Fan Motors

If one of the two fan motors on your refrigerator is not functioning, it may cause the whole unit to overheat and stop working. The first fan — the condenser fan — keeps the coils cool and functioning properly; when this fan isn’t working, you may notice excessive heat and strange odors coming from your refrigerator and freezer. The evaporator fan is usually on the back of your refrigerator, and it must rotate continuously for the coils to do their job.

If the Fridge isn’t working, check if the fan is spinning. If it isn’t, you need to replace the motor.

5. Check Door Gasket

One of the reasons a refrigerator might lose its cool is if the door doesn’t seal properly. Air that leaks out prevents the temperature from being just right, and it could lead to unfrozen food. If your refrigerator is losing temperature or making an odd noise, check the door seals.

If the gasket around the door is damaged or dirty, you can find replacement parts to get your refrigerator cooling properly once again.

If you discover frosting in your refrigerator, it is likely due to an issue with the door seal around the gasket. This may require you to get a new gasket or have the entire unit replaced.

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6. Check Light Switch

In a refrigerator, a small lightbulb can cause big problems. The small, low-wattage bulb that comes with a refrigerator is great for adding a little light to your foodstuffs — but it could also be causing your fridge to use more energy than it should. Here’s why: when a refrigerator’s compressor starts up, it needs a certain temperature in order to run.

The switch is attached to the door and should automatically turn off the light when you close the door. If this isn’t happening, check to see if the warning light on the control panel is coming on — it will blink three times and then stop if the switch doesn’t work properly.

This light blinks when the door is not closed all the way, letting you know that the contents inside could be compromised. If you see this light, check to make sure that your door is securely closed. If that’s not the issue, you may need to order a replacement gasket with compatible dimensions so that your refrigerator can keep things cool and fresh for years to come.

GE Profile Refrigerator Temperature Control Problems

The refrigerator control board is one of the most important parts of any unit, as it’s the part that directly regulates just how cold your refrigerator is. The size and design of this board are generally only affected by a few things—such as where you bought it or how old it is—therefore, after identifying whether or not you have a defective control board, there isn’t anything else to worry about.

When it comes to the refrigerator, you don’t want to leave much to chance. After all, your food could get spoiled if you’re not careful about managing the temperature in your fridge. So remember: no matter what’s piling up inside, don’t block off pathways by cramming in items tightly together. Space is a must!

The best way to care for your refrigerator is to keep it in tip-top shape before you run into problems. If your fridge is too full, your food could spoil — but more importantly, blockages can cause the life of your appliance to dwindle down more quickly and leave you prone to higher electric bills. Keep an eye on the vents when you’re unloading groceries, and be sure not to stack items in places where they can block airflow.

GE Profile Fridge Not Cooling But Freezer Works

There are several potential causes for the symptoms you are describing. The problem could be with either the fridge’s compressor, its evaporator fan motor, or its thermostat.

If the fridge’s compressor is not working, then the fridge will not be able to cool down. The compressor is responsible for circulating the refrigerant gas that cools the fridge down.

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If the fridge’s evaporator fan motor is not working, then the fridge will not be able to circulate the cold air properly. This can cause the fridge to not cool down evenly, with the freezer being colder than the fridge.


Q1: Why is my GE Profile refrigerator not cooling properly?

A: There could be several reasons for your GE Profile refrigerator not cooling properly. It could be due to incorrect temperature settings, overstuffed refrigerator blocking air flow, frosted evaporator coils, non-functioning fan motors, damaged door gasket, or a malfunctioning light switch.

Q2: What should be the correct temperature settings for a GE refrigerator?

A: The refrigerator temperature should be set at 40°F or below. However, if the interior is warmer than what the refrigerator is reading, adjust the setting and wait 24 hours for it to reach the new level.

Q3: What could be the cause if my refrigerator is packed but not cooling?

A: Overstuffing your refrigerator can block the air vents, which disrupts airflow. It makes it harder for the compressor to maintain the right temperature. Ensure the refrigerator is not overloaded and is cleaned regularly to remove any buildup.

Q4: How can frosted evaporator coils affect my refrigerator’s cooling?

A: If the evaporator coils are frosted, they will prevent air from flowing freely through the unit. This leads to a malfunction that prevents your GE refrigerator from operating properly. You need to defrost your refrigerator or replace the faulty parts causing frost buildup.

Q5: How do I know if the fan motors on my refrigerator are functioning properly?

A: Check if the fan is spinning. If it isn’t, you need to replace the motor. There are two fan motors on your refrigerator – the condenser fan and the evaporator fan. Both need to function properly for the refrigerator to cool correctly.

Q6: How can a damaged door gasket affect my refrigerator’s temperature?

A: A damaged or dirty gasket around the door can prevent the refrigerator from sealing properly. Air that leaks out prevents the temperature from being just right, and it could lead to unfrozen food.

Q7: Can a malfunctioning light switch affect my refrigerator’s cooling?

A: Yes, a malfunctioning light switch can cause the refrigerator to use more energy than it should. The light should automatically turn off when you close the door. If this doesn’t happen, check the warning light on the control panel and consider replacing the gasket or the light switch.

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