GE washer not draining is a problem that can occur with many models of GE washing machines. You may find water standing in the machine after the cycle completes. This does not always mean that there is a problem, and the washer may drain and spin normally the next time you use it. However, if you continue to experience problems, you want to know how to troubleshoot and fix the problem with your GE washer.
An unresponsive GE washer won’t drain water, leaving your clothes to sit around in dirty water. There are many causes of this malfunction, including problems with the drain, the water level sensor, or internal issues in the washing machine. Always turn off your appliance and be sure to consult with a licensed repair person before attempting any maintenance or repair work.
GE Washer Not Draining – Troubleshoot And Diagnosis
A GE washer that won’t drain properly is a pain, but it’s usually an easy fix. We’ll tell you what the most likely causes for this problem are and explain how to take care of your machine.
1. Excess Sudsing
This is not an error on your part, though you might feel it is. This is just the result of using too much detergent (or non-HE detergent). Machines with enough water flow to flush out all of the suds can handle this amount of soap, however, some machines cannot handle this buildup. The machine is simply signaling you that you need to use less detergent next time.
Add one cup of vinegar or two cups of CLR or RID-X to the wash drum. Then run a cycle using hot water. This should eliminate any residue near the drain, allowing it to drain properly in future use.
2. Poor Load Distribution
Neglecting to balance the front load washer can cause a laundry room nightmare: a ruined machine. When a wash load is unevenly distributed, it can damage the internal drum of the washing machine. This damage not only costs you more money in repairs, but also devalues your product when you try to resell it.
You could add more clothes to even out the load, but you shouldn’t overload the machine. In order to ensure a proper machine function, check that the washer is properly leveled to prevent it from vibrating and moving around when in use.
3. Kinked/Clogged Drain Hose
If your GE washer isn’t draining, it can often be caused by a clogged drain hose. If the drain is kinked, water could collect at the bottom of your machine, leading to a number of problems. You wouldn’t want a pool of water inside your washer! To avoid this problem in the future, keep your drain hose clear from items that can clog it up.
To prevent damage to your hose, inspect the inside with a flashlight and/or camera if you suspect that there’s a tear. If you find a tear, try replacing your hose with a new one — if the tear is too big, it could cause further problems and damage to your floor and furniture.
For perfect washer drainage, make sure the drain hose is placed no higher than 96 inches off the floor. If the drain hose is too high, water will not be able to flow out of your washing machine properly. The correct placement of the drain hose will ensure that your machine drains properly and you do not experience any flooding.
GE washing machines are monitored by alert signals, which inform you of a possible drain clog as soon as it happens. This means that you can respond as quickly as possible to fix the issue and avoid costly damage that could destroy your machine or cause water to leak.
To check for clogs, first, move away from the wall and turn off your machine. Locate the hose and detach it from the basin or tub; remove it from the basin or tub. Put on gloves and reach up inside of drain pipe to feel around for lumps or kinks.
After you’ve taken the hose off of the back of the washing machine, check to make sure there is no debris jammed inside. You can do this by squirting water through the hose with a syringe or baster. Once you’ve cleared any debris, reattach the hose and turn on your machine’s water supply switch to see if it drains properly.
4. Clogged Drain Pump
When you have a GE washer that’s having trouble draining water, the culprit could be a clogged drain pump. Tags on clothing items can get caught in the drain pump of your washing machine, preventing it from draining water correctly. Make sure to check your washing machine’s manual to find instructions on how to access the drain pump and clean it out.
As a washing machine owner, you should be familiar with the structure of pump and know how to fix it if it doesn’t function properly. The most common issues arise due to blockage — debris and other foreign objects get stuck in the pump and cause malfunctions. If you can clear the clog and restore drain flow, your machine will continue working perfectly. However, if the pump has been damaged beyond repair, contact customer service for assistance.
5. Clogged Drain Pump Filter
if your pump is running but water is not coming out of the machine, you have a clog in the filter. The easiest way to fix this issue is to remove the filter and spray it down with cold water. Once it’s thoroughly cleaned, install it back into the machine, plug it in, and turn it on.
If you suspect there’s a problem with the washer, try accessing the pump filter. To access the filter, remove the machine from the wall. Then, take apart the back panel to locate the drain pump.
Turn off the water supply and remove the access panel at the bottom of your washing machine. Locate the drain pump, detach the hose from the inlet side, inspect it for debris, clear away any you find, and reattach it. Put back together and switch on the water supply. If you still see water draining into the drum, check air-drainage pressure at your external drain location.
6. Check Lid Switch
When the lid is open and the machine is in use, the lid switch will immediately stop the machine. The washing machine can be started again only after the lid has been closed and secured into place correctly. This safety mechanism prevents small objects from accidentally falling into the large appliance, and it helps to keep your child safe during use.
If you suspect your lid switch is broken, there are a couple of ways to check if it’s faulty. One way is to open the lid and push down on the switch, which should click when pressed. If the lid doesn’t open, you’ve found your problem. Another option is to use a multimeter, which can check if there’s continuity between the lid switch and the motherboard.
Unplug your washing machine from the wall outlet. Open the lid of your washing machine, but don’t touch the drum. You’ll find the switch on the top of the drum frame under the top cover. Disconnect it from its wires by pressing down on its tab while pulling up. Replace it with the new switch, then snap the top cover into place.
7. A Damaged Or Worn Belt
If the drain pump is not damaged or clogged by the water still does not seem to be draining during the wash or rinse cycles, your washing machine’s drive belt might be damaged. The drive belt is what operates the pump and is located at the bottom of the washer. Here’s how you can replace it.
If your washing machine is having trouble spinning, there might be something wrong with its belt. Contact the manufacturer to order a replacement drive belt. The process of replacing it should be simple, but you will need to remove the back access panel first so that you can get to the drive belt.
Unplug the washer, remove the access panel, and lower the tub until it locks into place. Examine the belt for wear and tear or any notable imperfections. Replace if needed.
GE Top Load Washer Not Draining Or Spinning
When your GE top load washer isn’t draining or spinning, the first thing you should look at is the drain hose. Make sure it’s in place and that it’s not clogged. Also check it for kinks — if it’s taking a turn that’s too sharp, it could be causing the washer to get stuck.
When the washer is stuck mid-cycle and isn’t draining, you have to check the following things:
Check to see whether there are any big pieces of clothing in the drum. If so, remove them before trying to start the machine again. Then, push down on the start button to see if that will reset the machine.
GE Front Load Washer Not Draining Or Spinning
If you’re seeing a GE front load washer that’s not draining or spinning, you should check the following:
Make sure the machine is level. A GE front load washer must be level to produce water flow and spin properly.
Be sure there’s nothing in the drain pump filter.
You want to make sure that the door latch is correct on your unit. Also, check for any obstruction in the drain hose. If you discover nothing wrong with these things, then there are a few more things that need to be checked.

Hi there! I’m Sam Hendricks, and I’m a repair technician and expert. I created this website to help people like you save money and time by fixing your own appliances.
Over the years, I’ve seen people spend a lot of money on unnecessary repairs or replacements. That’s why I decided to share my expertise and create easy-to-follow guides for fixing appliances on your own.