6 Most Common LG Dryer Problems and Solutions – Let’s Fix It

LG dryers are one of the most popular options in the marketplace. With millions in the world, there sure are a few problems that will likely happen to your LG dryer at some point in its life. This article gives tips on how to troubleshoot and fix common LG dryer problems users may be experiencing. These issues, when properly diagnosed and fixed, should allow you to use your LG dryer for years to come.

Common LG Dryer Problems – Troubleshoot and Diagnosis

LG Dryer Problem DIY Fix
Burnt Out Thermal Fuse Replace the thermal fuse with a matching one, perform routine maintenance
Bad Heating Element Check for continuity and replace the heating element if damaged or shorted
Worn Out Drum Bearing Remove the belt and check if the drum rotates smoothly, replace the drum bearing if necessary
Faulty Cycling Thermostat Test for continuity and replace the cycling thermostat if it is not functioning correctly
Stuck Motor Relay Replace the motor relay on the control board to resolve the issue
Blower Wheel Issue Check for lint buildup, clean the blower wheel, and replace if necessary

LG dryers are an excellent choice for people who are conscious about the energy efficiency of their home appliances. The convenience of a 24-hour operating cycle, quiet operation, and improved cold air mode are just some of the reasons why LG is one of the most sought-after dryer brands. However, there are times when problems do arise. Here are five common LG dryer problems and how to fix them.

LG Dryer Problems

1. Burnt Out Thermal Fuse

The thermal fuse is the most common dryer part to fail. When it fails, your dryer starts to overheat and can result in a possible fire hazard. Not only do you need to replace this part as soon as possible, but you also need to perform routine maintenance on your LG dryer to prevent additional damage and reduce the chance of causing fires.

When a dryer doesn’t heat up, it’s usually because the thermal fuse is burnt out. The easiest way to tell that this has happened is if your dryer isn’t heating at all or if your clothes aren’t getting hot enough to dry. But don’t assume that the thermal fuse is the issue right away — there may be other reasons why your clothes aren’t drying properly. First, You need to check the dryer vent and make sure it is not clogged.

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To troubleshoot, start by doing the following things:

  1. Unplug the Dryer.
  2. Locate the thermal fuse. You can check your owner’s manual for the exact location.
  3. Remove the screws from the top of the dryer. There are several on each side and on top. They may be different sizes so have a variety of screwdrivers available.
  4. Next, you have to disconnect wires going to the switch and the thermal fuse which is located at the top left corner of the dryer. You should see a small silver or gold-colored thermally-fused link with two wires attached.
  5. Test the Thermal Fuse with a multimeter, If it fails the continuity test then replace it with a new one.

If your LG dryer’s thermal fuse is blown, repair it yourself by replacing it with a matching thermal fuse. A blown fuse can be identified by a broken wire or a broken block off at both ends. Before you buy a new fuse, make sure that your dryer is unplugged and that the new part is an identical match to your old part. After you put in your new thermal fuse, reconnect the wires and plug the dryer back in.

2. Bad Heating Element

One problem that troubles many dryer owners is the appliance getting too hot. A shorted-out heating element can cause a dryer to overheat and damage the machine and its surroundings.

Heating element is one of the two key components in a dryer. Its main function is to heat the air inside the dryer drum before it enters the drum. If you were to examine an element, you’d see that it consists of a coiled wire with a highly resistant coating. The heating element heats up when power is applied to its terminals through a thermostat.

If it has been damaged, you may see smoke coming from the back panel. The heating element is designed to only get hot when the dryer needs to get hot – so if you find that your dryer is getting too hot, this could be the cause.

If you suspect your dryer heating element is damaged, the first step is to check for continuity between the element terminals and the dryer case. If there is continuity, this indicates that the element is shorted out. If there is no continuity, double-check your dryer’s wiring diagram for any errors. If it is damaged or shorted, replace the heating element.

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3. Worn Out Drum Bearing

It’s hard to pinpoint exactly what’s wrong with your dryer. If it stops mid-cycle, it could be due to a variety of reasons. One potential cause is the drum bearing wearing out. The drum bearing is responsible for supporting the rear of the dryer drum containing all of your clothes — and it’s also the first thing to go when something goes awry. You’ll know this part needs replacement when you hear excessive noise or feel vibration while operating your dryer.

If you suspect that the LG dryer drum bearing has gone bad, there are some basic tests you can run to find out. Firstly, simply remove the dryer belt and try turning the drum by hand. If this is easy to do, it’s unlikely that the drum bearing is worn out. However, if the drum rotates stiffly, or not at all, this could be a sign of a bad LG dryer drum bearing.

If your dryer is making squealing or grinding sounds when turned, and/or is hard to turn, the dryer may have a bad bearing and it should be replaced.

4. Faulty Cycling Thermostat

Most dryers include a cycle thermostat to monitor and control the temperature of the dryer. These useful devices ensure that your clothes don’t get scorched or shrink because they’ve been overheated. A cycling thermostat cycles the heat on and off to maintain the proper air temperature — ensuring a stable environment for superior heating performance.

If your cycling thermostat stops working correctly, it might let the dryer overheat and cause a fire.

If your dryer isn’t heating up or overheating, it’s very likely that the dryer thermostat has gone bad. With a multimeter, you can test for continuity across two of the thermostat terminals. If the meter reads zero, the thermostat is bad and needs to be replaced.

5. Stuck Motor Relay

LG dryers are notorious for getting stuck during the drying process, which is especially frustrating when it happens in mid-cycle. With improper assembly, the dryer’s motor relay can get locked in place, causing the drum to continue to revolve after the cycle is over. This issue has resulted in loads of negative reviews, with customers giving LG appliances low marks for not stopping when they should.

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The control board’s motor relay gets stuck, causing the drum to continue rolling after a cycle has ended — and opening the door or unplugging the appliance is the only way to get it to stop!

If your dryer won’t stop running unless the door is open or the machine is unplugged, there’s probably something wrong with the main control board motor.

Replace the Motor Relay with a new one to resolve this issue.

6. Blower Wheel Issue

The blower wheel draws air into the dryer drum, and if the lint filter is clogged up — it can’t do its job properly. If too much lint gets sucked into it, then the blower wheel will get clogged and stop working. And that’s when your dryer won’t spin or turn on at all.

This is a common problem that happens due to bad assembly by the manufacturer. Because there is such poor quality control, the blower wheel sleeve often wears out, allowing the dryer’s blower wheel to wobble on the motor shaft. If this happens, then your dryer will overheat and cause your dryer to need servicing.

LG dryer blower wheel is a crucial part of a dryer. If the blower wheel is broken, you will not get a good air flow through the dryer. If the blower wheel is not working properly, this can be a safety risk. In addition, the time of your laundry will increase significantly because it takes longer for clothing / bedsheets to get dry. To check if it’s working properly, simply remove the lint from the outside vent and see how strong does the air flow is! If you can’t feel any air coming out, then there might be something wrong with the blower wheel.

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