If you are a Samsung dishwasher owner, this blog post is for you. Samsung dishwashers are known for their quality and durability, but they can also have some quirks like any other appliance. If your Samsung dishwasher won’t start, we’re here to help! This article will go over the most common reasons Samsung dishwasher is not starting and how to fix them.
It’s no surprise that Samsung is one of the most reliable brands in the world. Like other appliances, you can rely on their dishwasher too. But it is really frustrating when your machine doesn’t respond even if all buttons are pressed correctly, and there are a lot of dishes to do.
Why Samsung Dishwasher Won’t Start? Troubleshoot and Diagnosis
If you’ve ever had a family member or friend who couldn’t figure out how to use a dishwasher, then this blog post is for you. It will give you the inside scoop on what it takes to get your Samsung dishwasher running smoothly. You’ll learn about common problems and solutions to fix them so that your dishes are clean and dry in no time.
Samsung Dishwasher Is Not Getting Power
If your Samsung dishwasher is not getting power, the problem could be as simple as a loose connection or blown fuse.
Make Sure it’s Plug-In: Verify that the dishwasher is plugged in. The switch that turns the dishwasher on maybe accidentally switched to the off position. Find and check that it is in the ON position. If it’s not, plug it back in and make sure all of the connections are secure.
Power Cord Issue: Sometimes Samsung dishwashers may have a power cord issue. You can test the power of your Samsung dishwasher by plugging in another appliance and seeing if that one works.
Check if you are using an extension cord: When you plug in your Samsung dishwasher, make sure that it is connected to a working outlet with the appropriate cord. Don’t be fooled by thinking an extension cord will work because they don’t conduct enough voltage for most appliances.
Dishwasher breaker tripped: The Samsung dishwasher is not turning on because of a tripped breaker. Samsung recommends checking your circuit breakers and resetting them if necessary before calling an electrician or Samsung for assistance.
Blown Thermal Fuse
The thermal fuse on the dishwasher is a safety measure to prevent overworking appliances and causing fires. If it fails, power cannot flow through your appliance, which can be dangerous for you!
To test if the thermal fuse needs replacing or not, use a multimeter between two points of contact. These are usually at opposite ends of your device- one end should show continuity with nothing connecting, and another point that does have something connected (usually metal) will complete the circuit when touched by electricity from both places.
Water Supply Issue
If the Samsung dishwasher won’t fill with water, this could be due to a broken supply line. The hose that connects your Samsung dishwasher to the faucet might not have been tightened securely enough, or there may be something blocking it in the sink (such as food particles). To check for these issues, turn off the power and then unplug your appliance from its socket before looking under it for any foreign objects.
If you notice a kink in the hose, this can lead to reduced water flow and pressure. A clogged or kinked hose will also prevent the dishwasher from starting up correctly. If possible, try turning off your home’s main supply valve for five minutes so that any excess water can drain away. Then open it again before using the dishwasher.
The water inlet valve could be defective and will cause the machine not to start when turned on. A professional service should assess this issue for you if needed before replacing the part as required.
Child Lock is ON
A Samsung dishwasher won’t start if the child lock function is activated. To turn off a Samsung’s child lock, press and hold both buttons for three seconds until you hear an audible beep. You can also enter your four-digit code on the keypad to unlock it manually.
Incorrect Dishwasher Setting
Is your dishwasher not starting? Are the lights stopped or flashing? You might be dealing with a hung cycle problem. When the dishwasher is stopped partway through and cannot reset properly, it can get stuck in that wash cycle, unable to start a new one.
Try turning off and on again and if there’s an appropriate button, press it for at least 5-10 seconds; this should restart things back up.
Also, make sure that you have not accidentally selected the wrong option. The following Samsung dishwasher functions can cause a dishwasher not to start:
Control lock: Select this option to lock the control panel buttons. Selecting it again will unlock the controls for normal use.
Child lock: This safety feature prevents children from accidentally opening the door and turning on the dishwasher while it’s running.
Sleep Mode: If you have set up sleep mode, then your appliance won’t start automatically with no active water source connected or turned on at all times (a standard faucet).
Delay Start (DELAY): This setting will start the dishwasher at a specific time.
Check Door Latch and Door Switch
The door latch is what ensures that the dishwasher door closes securely. The door switch helps detect whether the dishwasher is closed and will not let it run if it isn’t (this prevents flooding, etc.). If your latch breaks, you need to replace it with a new one.
The door switch keeps the dishwasher from operating when the door is open. If the door switch is defective, in some cases, it will stop working even when you close and lock the door.
To see if a defective part has caused your problem, use a multimeter to check for continuity on the switch that prevents the operation of this appliance during most wash cycles. If there’s no continuity to be found, replace it with high-quality switches.
Defective Timer
Samsung dishwashers operate on an electronic control board, which determines the time of day and duration for each wash cycle. Timers provide automatic switching between cycles that are based on when you want your dishes cleanest.
If your dishwasher isn’t getting powered, it might have been caused by the timer. When a timer goes out, you may not even be able to tell because they don’t make any noise and continue working on their own. It’s possible that this could happen due to faulty wiring or connections in other parts of the appliance too.
Faulty Drive Motor
Your dishwasher will not clean your dishes if the motor that drives water around in it is broken. The drive motor sends rotational motion to a spinning rotor inside, which forces dirty wash water onto all of your silverware and plates below before sending them down through the drain hole at the bottom for full rinse cycles.
If you’re experiencing any problems with this intricate system, call an appliance repair service as soon as possible so they can diagnose what’s gone wrong!
There are a few things you can do to fix your Samsung dishwasher not starting. You may have tried one or more of these solutions already, but if none has worked for you so far, please let us know in the comments below, and we’ll help get your appliance up and running again.

Hi there! I’m Sam Hendricks, and I’m a repair technician and expert. I created this website to help people like you save money and time by fixing your own appliances.
Over the years, I’ve seen people spend a lot of money on unnecessary repairs or replacements. That’s why I decided to share my expertise and create easy-to-follow guides for fixing appliances on your own.