Samsung Smart TVs are not just any TV — they’re the smartest TVs on the market. They’re also full of features that make them more than just a picture frame. And while Samsung’s support team is knowledgeable and friendly, it’s always reassuring to have additional information at your fingertips.
One of the most common issues you might run into with your Samsung TV is that it won’t turn on. This issue can occur for a variety of reasons, but in almost all cases, it’s one of two things: power or software. If your TV won’t turn on, it’s probably because there’s an issue with either power or software.
Samsung TV Won’t Turn ON Red Light Blinking – Troubleshoot and Diagnosis
The red light on Samsung TVs is usually a sign that you have a power supply issue. When that’s the case, there are a few troubleshooting methods that you can use to fix it, like checking the main board and repairing or replacing the power board. If this still doesn’t solve the problem, you’ll need to check if your TV has an HDMI link problem.
You approach the TV and notice that, despite having fully charged the remote, the red light is flashing. You press the power button and see that, indeed, nothing appears on screen. What now?
When a problem arises with your TV, the impulse can be to panic. But before you do anything else, it’s important to make sure you’ve done a few things to help fix your TV. First, unplug the HDMI cord and then plug it back in. If that doesn’t work, try unplugging the power cord and plugging it back in after a few seconds.
If your Samsung TV is not turning on, there are a few reasons why it’s not working.
1. Restart Samsung TV
If you’re seeing a red light blinking on your TV, don’t worry — it might just be a simple fix. First, try restarting the TV itself. The most common cause of this light is that the TV didn’t get enough power when it was turned off, so it may need some time to figure its power out.
For this kind of issue, there are two scenarios: the power IC has been disrupted or a long time use of the TV. The power IC is damaged when it is used for too long and heats up, causing the screen to be inactive. As for the second scenario, when the TV is used for too long, the screen has been unresponsive.
Fixing the overheating issues of the power IC can be done by restarting the TV, which helps to cool the device.
If your TV is blinking red, it may indicate a problem with the display’s power supply. This can be an issue with the AC adapter that charges the TV or with the backlight. To troubleshoot this problem, try removing and replacing the AC adapter and wait for around ten minutes. After ten minutes, press the power button on your TV for one minute and reinsert the cable again.
2. Samsung TV needs a Reset
Samsung TVs have options for performing a restart or a power reset. A power reset is a more drastic choice, but it might be useful when your TV is acting up.
To reset your Samsung TV, remove the power cord from the television and let it rest for around an hour. After an hour, hold the power button for 1 minute, then plug back in the power cord. Once you turn on your TV, it will automatically go through its factory reset process. You can then follow the instructions on screen to customize your TV’s settings.
When troubleshooting your TV, make sure you unplug power strips and surge protectors. You need to isolate the problem by plugging in the TV directly into a wall outlet. Once you’ve plugged the TV directly into a wall outlet, control the device’s remote and ensure that your set is functioning as expected.
Samsung TVs have a built-in power reset feature that you can use when the TV is frozen or unresponsive. To perform a power reset on your television, press and hold the Volume Down button on the left side of the Samsung remote for 10 seconds. While continuing to hold down the Volume Down button, simultaneously press and hold the Menu button on the right side of the remote for five seconds. Immediately release both buttons and wait for 15-20 seconds. Then, all you need to do is wait for a few seconds and it will show you a picture, which is followed by switching on.
3. Firmware is Outdated
If you have a Samsung TV with a red light, you are not alone. Samsung TVs tend to have this red light blinking on the LED screen, notifying owners that a firmware update is available from the manufacturer. However, owners tend to ignore updating the firmware and leave their TV with the outdated version for months or years. This can cause the TV to experience issues such as ‘red light of death’ leading to poor picture quality and other technical problems like Samsung TV won’t Turn ON.
An issue with your TV’s firmware could be affecting its performance. Your TV may have a red light on it, or the screen image may be distorted, or you may see a “No Signal” message on the screen when you change the input or turn your TV on. If you are seeing any of these symptoms, contact the manufacturer to download and install the latest firmware update. Your TV screen should return to normal after restarting.
After updating the firmware, it is recommended that you reboot your TV and use the device optimally.
4. Power Supply Issues
The TV suddenly stops working; and after you plug in a new power supply, it still won’t turn on. This is an unfortunate and frustrating experience, but thankfully, it’s not all that uncommon — especially during wet and stormy weather. There are several things that could be causing your TV to stop working, such as a faulty power supply or a lightning strike affecting the electrical grid.
Today’s homes are increasingly filled with all sorts of electrical devices and appliances, from the kitchen to the living room, from the bathroom to the bedroom. And there’s one thing that can ruin all your devices and appliances in a second: an electrical storm. When an electrical storm strikes, it sends enormous amounts of electricity through your home and into your gadgets, causing them to break or malfunction.
With all of our electronic devices and appliances now plugged into the wall, we’re potentially at risk for an electrical surge. But protecting your TV isn’t as complicated as it might seem — as long as you keep a surge protector close by. It’s a scenario we should all be aware of: if lightning strikes your house, the electricity can travel through your home wiring and voltages into anything that’s plugged into an outlet. Luckily, there are surge protectors that can help protect your most important electronics like TVs.
If you have Samsung Care+, your warranty will cover power surge damage on TV, thankfully. Samsung’s original 5-year warranty and the added 2-year Samsung Care+ plan will cover power surge damage on TV for an additional two years. Even better, Samsung’s replacement service is streamlined and fast — getting a brand new power supply/circuit board will only cost around $300, depending on type of model.
There are a few reasons why your display might not turn on. The first, but unlikely scenario is that the power supply is damaged or faulty from the factory. This does happen, even with high-quality brands, but it is rare. In this situation, you may be able to get a free repair from your manufacturer, if you are within your default warranty period.
You’ll avoid a lot of issues with your new TV if you have a surge protector in between. It will protect the Samsung TV from the power supply issues, preventing any potential issue in the future. In addition, make sure to plug it on a secondary basis ( not directly into an outlet).
5. HDMI Glitch
There are rare instances when a glitch in a particular Samsung TV might prevent it from correctly turning on using an HDMI(input) cable. This happens when the console is shut off directly without changing the source of the HDMI input. For example, if you turn the TV off or press the power button on the game console and then immediately unplug it to start playing another game, this can cause the TV to fail to start up or display a blank screen.
6. Wrong Source Selection
One of the most common reasons for a TV not turning on is that the wrong source is selected. Is your TV’s input button set to whatever device you want to use? Many TVs have multiple inputs, so it’s easy to accidentally select the wrong input. Also, be sure your devices are powered on; sometimes devices go into standby mode and you won’t see a picture until they’re woken up again.
7. Faulty Surge Protector
Surge protectors can suppress surges in electricity, but they can also affect the performance of any electronics plugged into them. If you’re suffering from degraded Smart TV performance, check to see if your surge protector is on its last legs. If so, it’s time to replace it before it causes permanent damage to your prized possession.
If your Samsung TV is suddenly blinking red and white, there may be an issue with the TV. Before you panic, try these troubleshooting steps to fix the issue. If nothing helps, contact a Samsung expert for help.

Hi there! I’m Sam Hendricks, and I’m a repair technician and expert. I created this website to help people like you save money and time by fixing your own appliances.
Over the years, I’ve seen people spend a lot of money on unnecessary repairs or replacements. That’s why I decided to share my expertise and create easy-to-follow guides for fixing appliances on your own.