10 Common Whirlpool Cabrio Washer Problems and Fixes

Whirlpool is one of the world’s most recognized brands for home appliances, but their Cabrio washing machines are some of their best-selling machines. With over 10 years of experience in the industry, we were able to review all of the common Whirlpool Cabrio Washer Problems with the various models and offer tips on how to fix them.

Just as with any other appliance, Whirlpool cabrio washer owners encounter problems. Even if your washing machine is under warranty, you still have to take a couple of minutes to troubleshoot it. Knowing how to maintain your machine and what problems to look out for can save you a lot of unnecessary hustle.

Common Whirlpool Cabrio Washer Problems and Fixes

As your Whirlpool Cabrio washer ages, parts will break down and need to be replaced. Luckily, there are several ways you can go about repairing it: You can either contact a service technician and pay for the service call and replacement parts, or you can search online and find your own repair guide and troubleshoot your issues yourself — which will save you the cost of a service call.

Whirlpool Cabrio Washer Problems

1. Cabrio Washer is making loud noises

When your washing machine hits a bump in the road, it can be an irksome problem to fix. Loud noises coming from the washing machine are one of the most common issues. There are a number of reasons why this might occur. The washer can emit a rumbling sound while agitating while draining or spinning. Causes might include misalignment of the impeller, imbalance of load, or build-up of lint in the drain pump.

2. Loud Thumping Noise

If you hear loud thumping noises when your washing machine is on, then it’s probably because some pieces are out of place. Check the lid to see if there are any items that may have fallen in the back of the machine. Water can get caught between these items and create a disturbance in the spinning. If they are out of place, take them out and adjust the load again.

It’s possible your washer drum doesn’t have enough clothes in it. It could be too full. If there are too many clothes in the drum, individual clothes can get stuck or wrinkled, or make noise against one another when agitated to clean.

If your washing machine is making a loud thumping sound, it’s possible that the load is unbalanced. Stop the cycle and redistribute the wet laundry. You may need to remove some pieces from the machine to fix this issue.

3. Clanging Noise

If you hear a loud noise from your washing machine, it may be an indication of a major problem. The most common cause for the noise is that the washing machine is not securely placed on the floor. Make sure it’s properly grounded and has no unleveled legs.

4. High Pitched Noise

When you hear a high-pitched whine, your Whirlpool Cabrio washer needs some maintenance. The first step is to find a repair manual or diagram of the internal workings of the washer on the Whirlpool site.

Then remove the outer housing of the washer and look at the pulley. Tighten any loose screws holding it in place or replace the bearings if needed.

Whirlpool Cabrio Washer Not Starting

If your washing machine is not starting, it most likely means that the start button on your washer’s control panel is not working. This can cause a laundry list of problems, from making it impossible to run a cycle to prevent you from setting a timer for a delayed start.

If this is the case, your washer will not start. Refer to the steps below to troubleshoot and fix your washing machine.

1. Check Control Panel

To remove the control panel, locate the four screws at the bottom of the device and remove them with a Phillips screwdriver. Next, grab the back of the control panel with your fingers and pull outwards at an angle.

Open the control panel and look inside to see if anything is visibly damaged. If so, remove it and replace it with a new one.

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To help you remove the control panel, you should consult a repair manual.

Before you begin the repair, be sure to check for any loose or broken pieces. Occasionally a piece of plastic cracks behind the start button and prevents the washer from working.

If you’re sure that the washer is plugged in and turned on, you should check the wires connecting the machine to the timer. It’s possible that they’ve become loose or that they’ve been damaged. However, if there are no problems with the wires, the problem lies either in the timer or in the main controller for this washer. But if both of these components are functioning well, it might be time to replace the whole control panel.

Whirlpool Cabrio Washer Locking Issues

When your washer lid unlocks, it could throw off the calibration, which may cause your machine to overfill or not fill enough. These problems can throw off the wash time and cycle, leaving you with a load of laundry that’s not as clean as you expected, or worse, another load of laundry to do after the first one.

1. Lid Lock Problem

If your washing machine’s lid won’t close, you may need to clean the switch. This is an easy problem to fix. Just dip a cotton swab in rubbing alcohol, and clean all of the surfaces on the lid and on the washing machine.

If the washer won’t reboot, unplug the power cord and leave it unplugged for at least 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, plug the power cord back into the outlet and then plug the washer’s power cord back into it. Wait for at least one minute and then touch the “Cancel” button on the front panel to restart the machine.

If you hear a clunk sound when you close the washer door – it’s not actually engaging. Sometimes this is a result of a loose door hinge, but there’s a simple diagnostic test to figure out what’s going on:

When it’s time for your Cabrio washer to take a break, put the machine in standby mode. You can do this by plugging it in with all indicators off, or by turning on only the clothes clean or done indicator. Once the machine is ready to rest, choose any button except POWER, START, or STOP. Then follow the step-by-step instructions below.

  1. Press and hold for 3 seconds.
  2. Release the button for 3 seconds.
  3. Press and hold for 3 seconds.
  4. Release the button for 3 seconds.
  5. Press and Hold for 3 Seconds.
  6. Release the button.

When you power up your washer, and it’s time to be cleaned, the diagnostic mode of the machine will automatically run. The estimated time remaining for the diagnostic mode will display on the washer control panel.

If the indicators don’t display as expected, press and hold the control switch above the button for 3 seconds, or until the indicators blink, then release. If this doesn’t resolve the problem, try pressing another button with similar functions. If the problem persists, repeat this process.

When the diagnostic test is complete, error codes are displayed. Compare the error codes to this list of common diagnostic tests to help determine what repairs are needed.

Whirlpool Cabrio Washer Not Spinning

The spin cycle in a washing machine can be a little bit of a mystery for some people. The main function of the cycle is to take the laundry from being soapy and wet, and throw it around in a circle to get it clean. The Cabrio has an excellent spin cycle that can take even the most soaked items and get them clean and dry in no time.

The spin cycle is arguably one of the most important cycles in a washing machine — and if your Cabrio isn’t spinning, it’s time to do some troubleshooting.

1. Check Drive Pulley Nut

The nut that keeps the drive pulley together can become loose over time. Sometimes, this can stop your Whirlpool Cabrio washer from spinning. To fix this, you’ll have to find the drive pulley and make sure the nut is still there. Fixing the problem is easy — you’ll just need to locate the drive pulley and tighten the nut.

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2. Faulty Shift Actuator

Washers are one of the most convenient ways to get your clothes clean at home, but they can also be one of the most frustrating. All washers go through cycles of operation, but when washing machines break down they actually do more harm than good. One of the most common issues is a broken shift actuator. This malfunction is easily recognizable by error codes like F7 or E1 on your washing machine.

This means that the machine cannot spin, and the clothes inside will be damaged as a result. If you run into these problems, you need to replace the shift actuator.

3. Check Lid Switch

When the lid is open, our washing machine will not spin. It’s one of the most common issues that users run into when they’re trying to do laundry. Luckily, you don’t need to call a technician every time this happens — all you have to do is check the lid switch assembly for continuity. If you have problems with the washer lid switch assembly, it can be replaced in under an hour.

4. Drive Belt Issues

Check the Cabrio washer drive belt to ensure it is properly fitted onto the pulleys. If your washer does not spin or agitates, it means your drive belt is broken or loose on your Cabrio washer’s pulleys. Replacing this belt will restore functionality to your machine.

5. Defective Door Latch

To protect your clothes and maximize your machine’s lifespan, make sure that your washer door closes properly. If the door does not close properly, it could result in a fire hazard. If the lid still does not close properly after ensuring that all parts are in place and moving freely, a defective door lock or a broken hinge might be the cause. In either case, you will have to replace the defective parts.

Whirlpool Cabrio Washer Not Filling Water

When the washer won’t fill with water, it’s one of the most frustrating issues you can face. If your washer isn’t filling properly, there are a few things to check before you call in the repairman.

1. Low Water Pressure

If your Whirlpool washer isn’t filling with water, there could be a couple of reasons why. The first thing you want to do is check the water supply pressure, as the washer needs at least 20 psi of water pressure to fill with water. If you’re not getting that much pressure then it will not be able to fill up. You can try adjusting the water pressure using the control knob on the water hose for your washer.

2. Clogged Inlet Valve

To troubleshoot the issue, first remove the hoses attached to your machine. Make sure that there is no debris clogging the hoses. If no debris are present, detach the screens from the hoses to check for any blockages. Check both hoses to ensure that neither has a blockage. If you confirm no blockage, turn off your main water supply and fill the hoses with water.

Detach the hose from the faucet and the washer. Clear the screens of any debris. Check for damage, and replace if necessary. Also, check the inlet valve itself — if there’s debris in there, clear the two ports on the valve so water flows freely again.

3. Burnt Inlet Valve

Like most electrical components, the coils in a water inlet valve can burn out. To save you money and time, check your water pressure and the inlet hoses before assuming that the valve is faulty. If everything is fine, chances are high that it’s burnt out.

If water is still not flowing into your washer, check the inlet valve. If the electrical signals coming from the control panel to open and close the valve (called a check valve) are damaged and can’t trigger the gate to open, then you’ll need to replace it. To test if that’s the problem, use a multimeter to see if there’s continuity between the control panel and the inlet valve.

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Whirlpool Cabrio Washer Not Draining

The Whirlpool Cabrio washer won’t drain. Here are the possible fixes.

1. Check Drain Pump

Check the washer’s drain pump for debris and other small objects — they can prevent the pump from working.  If you find anything in there, clear it out or replace the pump as needed for the best experience with your washer.

When the machine is draining the water from the tank, if there are any socks or other small particles that have been sucked into the pump, they can clog the pump. To ensure smooth functioning of the Cabrio washer, please take a few moments to remove and clean any obstructions that have been sucked into the pump.

2. Defective Lid Switch

Lid switch is not something that gets a lot of attention. However, if it’s not working properly, your washing machine may not drain. A defective lid switch can keep the washer from functioning properly.

In these instances, the lid switch must be tested and replaced when necessary.

Whirlpool Cabrio Washer Leaking

When you suspect that your washing machine has a leak, there are several things that you should check before calling in a plumber:

1. Check Drain Pump

Water is used to clean your clothes, but it can also damage your washer. If the drain pump is damaged, cracked or if the bearings are worn out, then water will leak out of the washer. The best way to prevent water damage is to replace the drain pump as soon as you notice that it needs replacing.

2. Torn door boot seal

The door boot seals can become worn or damaged through time and use. If a seal looks torn or is no longer able to keep water from leaking into your machine’s interior, a replacement may be necessary.

3. Check Drain Hose

Repairing your washing machine is an easy job. However, you must remove the entire cabinet of the washer, including the front of the washer to access the pump. If your washing machine is already leaking from the drain hose, turn off your water supply. Let water out until no more drips come out of your washing machine. This is because if there are leaks in your pipes, you may cause serious water damage to your walls and floor.

This leak typically occurs between the pump and the back of the machine, and sometimes due to friction caused by rubbing against itself. If you’ve confirmed that there’s a leak in this area, then replace the drain hose with a new one to fix it.

Whirlpool Cabrio Washer LD Error Code

During a washing cycle, the LD Error Code is displayed and the washer stops.

The “LD” error code appears whenever the washer experiences a long drain. The machine will stop draining water under certain conditions. It usually points to two issues: either there’s something stuck in the drain line or something’s obstructing the pump.

If your washing machine breaks down, follow these steps to troubleshoot the problem:

  1. Remove anything that is clogging the pump filter, such as coins or small buttons.
  2. Make sure there are no obstructions in either of the two hoses leading from the pump.
  3. Unhook the hose on the back of the machine, put a bucket underneath to collect any spills, and check for leaks in the hose.

If the washer is still having problems, you might need to replace the washing machine’s water pump.

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