Maytag washers are one of the most reliable brands of kitchen appliances in existance today. They are also known for being extremely quiet when in use. This makes them perfect for use in any environment, whether you’re running a laundromat or living in an apartment complex where space is at a premium. However, despite their reliability, Maytag washers can experience problems. The most common problem is that Maytag Washer not spinning.
There’s nothing worse than a new washing machine that doesn’t spin properly. Sure, there are always plenty of reasons why your Maytag washer won’t spin — maybe you’re using a cycle that’s too long or the wrong kind of load — but don’t worry! Our helpful guide will address all the common issues you might have with your washing machine’s spin cycle and help you resolve them.
Maytag Washer Not Spinning – Troubleshoot and Diagnosis
If your Maytag washing machine isn’t spinning, here are a few possible reasons why, and how you can fix it.
1. Incorrect Cycle Setting
Maytag washing machines have a wide range of settings, but the most common washer problems, like an incorrect wash cycle or spin setting, can all be easily corrected with a few clicks on your control panel. Use the gentle cycle when washing delicate items or those that are prone to stretching. The handwash setting is ideal for small items like baby clothes or housewares. If your laundry is bulky, try using the delicate cycle or selecting a slow spinning speed.
Before you can use your Maytag washer, there are a few settings you need to set. First, the wash cycle needs to be set. Then, you need to choose a spin speed option. The spin speed determines how much water is removed from the items in the load. As each cycle varies depending on the size of your load, we recommend starting with the appropriate cycle based on the number of clothes you want to wash.
2. Washer is Unbalanced or Overloaded
Maytag washers are known for their strength and durability. Although they spin clothes very well, certain washer conditions can impact the spinning capacity. For instance, if the washing machine is overloaded or there’s a large item (for example, a blanket) in the washer, clothes may not be spun dry.
The drum on your washing machine is the heart of the entire device. Balance and weight distribution are vital components to ensuring it functions correctly and maintains efficiency. That’s why it’s so important to make sure you’re loading your washer correctly, as misloading can cause issues like a slow spin cycle and overworked motors.
Too much weight on one side of the washer, over time, will negatively impact the wash cycle. Unbalanced loads can also lead to broken or bent components inside the washer and cause an unstable, wobbly wash experience.
Don’t overload your washing machine — it can lead to machine damage and inefficient use of detergent. Only fill the washer up ¾ of the way full with each load. Try to keep loads smaller and more uniform as much as possible.
Something that’s easy to do, but can go a long way in terms of helping you maximize the space in your washing machine: making sure that your large items are balanced with another item of similar size.
To ensure your clothes always come out clean and fresh, load and unload washers the right way. You want the drum to be evenly balanced, so place any large items around the centre of the drum and use lighter items to fill in the spaces. Once you’re done loading, give the door a good slam to close it — don’t pull it shut.
3. Defective Lid Switch Assembly
By closing the lid on your Maytag washer, the lid switch assembly is activated and causes the washer to turn on. While this system is convenient, it can become faulty over time — causing the washing machine not to turn on when the lid is closed.
When closing the lid manually, make sure it’s aligned properly and that nothing is blocking it from closing. If you notice the lid is not aligning properly or that the washing machine is stopping the wash cycle, this might be a result of a minor obstruction in one of the sensors on the lid.
If the lid seems to close properly but does not activate the washing machine when the cycle is running, it could be a problem with either the lid switch or the lid switch assembly. Because each component has separate screws, it’s necessary to test both parts independently. If your multimeter tests show that neither part has continuity, they should be replaced.
4. Faulty Drive Belt
A washer drive belt connects the motor to the main drum. A damaged belt can prevent your washer from spinning, which then causes the clothes to sit in a wet mess. Two pulleys on either side of the drum connect the belt to the motor and help turn the drum during a cycle.
Washing machines use a belt to operate. Most of the time, the washer belt is found inside the motor and connected to the transmission. The belt usually spins at 450 rpm, which allows it to pull under maximum friction. However, the belt will not work if it’s damaged. In that case, it won’t be able to support tension or move properly, which will cause a loud sound while rotating.
The drive belt is located between the main motor and the gear box of your treadmill, and it ensures the smooth movement of all the components in your treadmill. To determine if the drive belt needs replacement, look for any visible damage — including fraying or tearing. If you spot damage, contact an authorized dealer to purchase a new drive belt.
5. Failed Motor Coupling
If the washer spin cycle isn’t working, there are a number of possible causes. For example, if a motor coupling is faulty, it could be responsible for a washer spin cycle problem. A motor coupling links the transmission and motor so power can reach the washer drum.
Some washers have a coupling between the motor and the drum. This can develop wear over time, but it can be avoided if the washer isn’t overloaded. If you’ve noticed vibration or shaking while the washer is running, or if it’s making grinding noises, the motor coupling might be broken. If you need to replace one, call your nearest repairman right away — repairing these parts can lead to expensive repairs and cause further damage in your machine.
6. Defective Door Latch
The washer door latch is a device that keeps the washer door shut during operation. It’s made of durable, high-quality material, and it prevents the washer from operating without its washer door shut. The latch also has a soft surface to prevent damage to the laundry tub.
If you experience problems with your washer’s door latch, you may need to replace the part. A faulty door latch can result in a laundry machine that is unable to spin or start completely. Inspect the door latch for evidence of damage. If the door latch is damaged, or it does not close properly, replace it with a new one.
To test the door latch, use a multimeter to check the continuity of any wires in the door latch assembly. To test, hold one probe on each side of each switch terminal, and then activate the switch. If the connected wires do not have continuity or if you have a broken connection, replace the switch.

Hi there! I’m Sam Hendricks, and I’m a repair technician and expert. I created this website to help people like you save money and time by fixing your own appliances.
Over the years, I’ve seen people spend a lot of money on unnecessary repairs or replacements. That’s why I decided to share my expertise and create easy-to-follow guides for fixing appliances on your own.