Water Dripping From Split AC Indoor Unit – Easy Solution

When water drips from the indoor unit of the air conditioner, the water which is mixed with mold spores can cause problems to your health. This can also result in the growth of fungus and bacteria, giving rise to an unpleasant odor, which of course cannot be tolerated. So, I would like to share some methods through which you can tackle this problem.

When your home’s indoor unit begins to leak, it can be a genuinely upsetting and disheartening experience. Not only does it disrupt your day-to-day living, but it also makes your property look unloved and untidy.

Not only is this annoying, but it can damage your flooring and take away from what you’re trying to enjoy — a cool environment in which to stretch out and relax at home.

If your air conditioning machine is dripping from the indoor unit, you may need to take several steps before calling a pro. It could be as simple as cleaning its air filters to fix the issue; other times, you may need to replace a faulty drip pan or drain pipe. In severe cases, your AC may have a cracked coil that can only be fixed by professionals.

NOTE: It’s always a good idea to get your AC unit serviced by professionals every season. You can have it cleaned and tuned accordingly so that it works just like new for the next hot season. Once you’ve got your unit serviced, be sure to keep an eye out for any troubles and contact an expert if you notice anything out of place.

Water Dripping From Split AC Indoor Unit – Troubleshoot And Diagnosis

Water Dripping From Split AC Indoor Unit

Your air conditioner keeps you cool on hot days, but it does so much more than that. It helps maintain a balance in the air around you, protecting your furniture and electronics from damage caused by fluctuations in humidity.

An HVAC system is made up of several components: a blower, which draws air into the unit; an evaporator coil, which cools the air; and ducts, which transport the cool air throughout your home.

Condensation occurs when warm indoor air passes over cold evaporator coils — the heat transfers to the metal and causes water vapor to turn back into liquid water.

The moisture drips into a pan that collects all of this condensation and sends it outside through a drain line.

Excessive moisture can build up in your air conditioner, causing it to overheat and leak water inside your home.

This is a serious problem because mold can form when there is excess moisture around the cooling coils — this means that you not only need to replace the air conditioning unit, you also have to clean up any mold and sanitize the area.

When your AC’s leaking water, turn it off at once. You might have an A/C leak, which can damage the entire unit or cause mold growth inside your home. If you see such signs as dripping water from your air-conditioner’s plastic parts, call in the experts for a diagnosis and quick resolution.

1. Condensate Drain Line Is Clogged

AC condensate drain lines often create problems by forming clogs, which can lead to leaks. As water collects inside the AC drainage pipe, it mixes with dirt and debris from the air ducts. This mixture eventually accumulates and obstructs the path for draining out of the unit and into a pan underneath, which causes water to start collecting in your unit — which is exactly the thing you want to avoid.

When the dirt and debris collected by your AC unit is not cleaned out of its condensate line, it can cause a blockage.

You can take steps to protect your home from water damage due to clogged condensate water lines. One way to do this is to buy a split AC unit with auto cut off functions, which will shut off the equipment if it detects any drain clogs. Not all air conditioners have this at-the-ready feature, however, so if yours doesn’t an alternative option is to install a drain hose diverter (aka siphon breaker), which prevents clogging in the first place.

If your drain line is clogged, there are a few potential solutions.

Turn off your air conditioner and find the drain pan. Check the pan for standing water and empty it if necessary. Thoroughly clean the pan to prevent mold growth.

To fix many types of drainage issues, including clogged air conditioner drains, you need to locate the drain line and check its level of blockage. Next, use a long wire brush to scrub the line thoroughly to remove any gunk.

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If it is severely clogged, however, a special pump or vacuum may be required. To make sure it is clean, pour a small amount of water into the line and make sure that it flows out of the other end without any hiccups or interruptions.

Regular AC maintenance is a vital component of every building’s health. Whether you’re running a hotel or a high-end office, regular AC maintenance can save your HVAC system from failure and its associated costs.

While most people only think of their air conditioner when they need it, the truth is that there are hundreds of moving parts in these systems, and they all need to be properly maintained to ensure their long-term service.

As a part of your maintenance routine, pour bleach down the drain line every six months to clean the condensate drain line. However, do not increase the frequency as too much of cleaning can result in corrosion of stainless steel components.

2. Disconnected Drain Line

If the drain line of your air conditioner isn’t attached properly, it can result in leaks. This part of the unit is essential to its operation and should be attached properly. If not, water can leak out of this seam after an improper installation or repair or due to friction over time.

A common problem with window AC units (and any water-based air conditioning unit) is a leaking drain. If the drain is disconnected or faulty, you can expect some very serious problems — most commonly a flooded floor that requires expensive repairs.

In addition to flooding, you should be aware of unusual drips coming from your ceiling and leaks through walls. These are signs that your drain connections aren’t secure and more serious leaks might occur.

Air conditioner repair and maintenance is always a good idea, especially during the hot summer months. Make sure to contact your HVAC professional and ask for a checkup at least twice per season, especially if you have any issues with drainage. Your air conditioning unit is much more likely to work efficiently when drained regularly.

3. Check Drain Pan

A clogged drain pan is one of the most common air conditioner problems around. Condensation will drip from your air conditioner’s evaporator coils and collect into a drain pan, but if this screen gets blocked with debris or rust, water won’t be able to flow into the drain line. Your A/C system will back up causing excess moisture in your home — which can cause mold and mildew growth.

The drain pan is an important component of the AC system: it acts as a small reservoir for condensation that forms on the evaporator coils during the air conditioning process. As this liquid forms, it travels through micro-piping to the drain pan — and if the pan isn’t able to hold all of the condensed water from evaporating coils, it will overflow and leak into other parts of your unit.

When a refrigerant unit is around 15-20+ years old, it will start showing signs of aging. When this happens with the drain pan, it can begin to rust and corrode. This rusted drain pan may be a sign that your AC is leaking water — one of the reasons your air conditioning is not cool enough.

If you notice your air conditioner’s drain pan is cracked, don’t panic. With a little elbow grease and the right materials, you can easily fix it.

Start by thoroughly cleaning the drain pan. Once it’s clean, use a flashlight to identify the cracks. Next, apply a generous amount of water-resistant sealant to the cracks. Finally, pour down some water to test the repair.

If your AC’s drain pan is rusted, it’s best to replace it. Only a properly sized drain pan will allow your AC to function properly.

4. Condensation Build-up

Excess condensation buildup can cause major damage to your air conditioning system, and it’s a problem that needs immediate attention. Water leaking from the evaporator coil in your home’s AC unit can cause mold growth and deteriorate your indoor air quality. And when water drips onto the AC ducts, it could do even more damage.

Not only does excess condensation cause a great amount of damage to a unit, but it can also affect the quality of air in your home.

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Condensation can occur for a variety of reasons. Some common causes are humid air, lack of ventilation, and temperature changes:

  • If your air conditioner is leaking water, it could be due to clogged ducts, a dirty air filter, or a blocked drain pump. When airflow is restricted due to blockage, the air inside the ducts can become colder and condensation can form on the ductwork.
  • Stifling humidity in the summer can create the ideal conditions for condensation to form. If your home isn’t ventilated properly or has a leaky roof, the humidity levels can become even more unbearable. To avoid excessive moisture in your home, aim to keep the humidity between 30-50%.
  • If you don’t have proper insulation on your air ducts, warm air can reach the cold surface of the ducts and cause condensation. This problem can also occur if your ductwork passes through an attic that is not well insulated.

Here Is The solution to fix Excess Condensation Problem:

  • If your goal is to keep your home cool this summer without spending a fortune on energy bills, there are some things you can do to help. Making sure your air conditioner ductwork is properly insulated is a great place to start. By doing this, you prevent warm air from reaching the cold ducts, therefore needing to use less energy overall. If you’re not sure how to insulate your ductwork, or if it’s already been done but needs repairs, here are some tips.
    First, check for any damages and repair them as soon as possible – this will keep outside air from seeping in. Make sure the insulation is fitted snugly around the ducts so there are no gaps. And that’s it! By taking these steps, you’ll be saving money and staying cool all summer long.
  • If your roof is leaking, it’s important to take action right away to prevent further damage. Contact a reputable roofing contractor to have the issue fixed. Ignoring a leaky roof can lead to increased condensation, which can damage your home and create health hazards.
  • If you have ductwork in your attic, it is important to make sure that the area is well insulated. This will help to keep your home cool and reduce your energy costs.
  • The best way to avoid water leaking issues is to keep your AC unit clean. Regular maintenance will remove dirt and debris from your system, keeping it in good working condition.

5. Defective Float Switch/Condensate Pump

One of the most important devices in any air conditioner is a condensate pump, which is designed to siphon away excess water that builds up inside the central unit. Condensation inside the air conditioner happens naturally when the coils dry out — this vapor needs somewhere to go.

Condensate pumps send excess condensation from central air systems through this drain line where it is collected safely outside of your home.

When the temperature outside is relatively low, the heat produced by HVAC systems condense on surfaces inside the duct. Water can then drip from your registers onto your floors and soak your carpets. A water pump keeps excess water out of your house, through a drainpipe to remove it away from your home.

If the condensate pump is out of order and/or the float switch is malfunctioning, water will not be pumped outside the air conditioner. The excess moisture in the air conditioner will accumulate and start spilling from your AC unit.

It’s not surprising that a simple appliance can malfunction — especially when exposed to hard water and other long-term condensation. Make sure you contact a technician to look at your issue as soon as possible so they can make the proper repairs or replacements.

6. Clogged Air Filter

As mentioned previously, one of the consequences of having dirty air filters is that it can cause the evaporator coils to freeze, which in turn results in your AC leaking water. The purpose of the filters is to ensure proper air circulation by trapping air pollutants and letting clean air into your home.

However, over time, the combination of these particles and dust can lead to the filters becoming clogged. This blockage then has a negative impact on indoor air quality and can also damage your AC unit. In addition, it causes weak airflow from the AC unit.

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When the coils inside an air conditioning unit become clogged due to improper maintenance or neglect, it can lead to some serious issues. When an AC is not operating properly, it will be unable to effectively remove moisture from the air, leading to mold and mildew build-up in the home.

Further, a clogged AC can also cause water damage throughout your property due to inefficient refrigeration which leads to ice buildup within the machine.

Here are some of steps you can take to resolve this issue.

To avoid any water damage, be sure to collect the dripping water immediately. Once that is taken care of, you can begin cleaning your filters. Make sure the filters are completely dry before placing them back in your unit.

Cleaning your air filter more often during the hotter months is advised, as your air conditioning system will be used for extended periods. You should aim to clean your filter every two weeks and replace it every three to four months.

7. Frozen Evaporator Coils

When your home’s evaporator coils freeze, the condenser stops working — causing it to shut off. This can cause moisture buildup and a drain pan overflow — resulting in water leaks. The water from these leaks is damaging and costly to repair.

If your air conditioner is not performing properly, you will need to find the source of the problem and rectify it.

If your AC unit is leaking water, it could be because of an airflow blockage. To fix this, you’ll need to check the air filters, return vents, ducts, and fin coils for any buildup of dirt or debris. Cleaning these elements can help restore airflow and fix the freezing issue.

If you have low refrigeration in your unit, it may have a leak. This can quickly add up to an expensive problem if the unit overheats and blows fuses or worse. Even if you are comfortable with home repairs, fixing AC units usually requires training and specialised equipment; it’s best left to the professionals.

8. Faulty Installation

When installing an AC, you should always double-check all components. This means that your unit’s drain pipes should be in proportion with your AC system.

Unproportional sizes can cause the unit to leak water onto the floor — or even cause the whole system to malfunction. You’ll know that there is a problem if you observe any of these issues: visible water around your air conditioner, a noisy AC, and poor air conditioning performance.

The right solution is to allocate more time during installation so that all elements fit together properly and work as intended.

A skillful installation of a central air conditioner is essential for the ideal cooling of your home. If a unit is not placed correctly, water from the cooling coils can drip into your walls and cause mold or corrosion damage.

You’ll want to make sure your central air conditioner is on a flat surface for optimal results. If it’s on an uneven surface, you can use an AC pad to help level it out.

To prevent water from dripping inside your window air conditioner, be sure to tilt the front of the unit upwards. This will allow any water to drain outwards and away from the AC.

Final Thoughts

With proper maintenance, most AC leaking water issues can be averted. When technicians perform a tune-up, they’ll check that all of the major components are functioning properly. Tune-ups can also help keep your unit running properly over time — which helps you stay cool throughout the year!

Now that you know the causes of AC leakages, here are some vital tips on how to prevent them from happening. Additionally, with regular maintenance and a thorough inspection of the entire unit by your technician, most leaks can be prevented altogether. When it comes to annual check-ups, your technician will examine all major components to ensure that everything is working properly. The result? A well-maintained AC for a whole summer season of comfortable cooling.

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